Let's Hit the Road

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2 days later...

Kat's POV

My heart was flurrying with excitement. Me, Katherine Patterson, has the once in a lifetime opportunity to go on tour with the one and only Led Zeppelin. I couldn't wait. 

I was passed out in bed at the Fairfield hotel, until I felt something blow on the side of my head. I opened my eyes and saw Bonzo standing at the food at the bed, with a pillow clutched in his hand and a stupid look on his face. "Two hours till we leave for Europe, Kitty Kat!" I rolled my eyes at the nickname, although it was kind of cute. "Okay, I'm coming, but I need to go home and grab a few things first." I stumbled out of bed and ran to the door. The second I opened it, I saw Jimmy about to knock. "Oh, I see your up after two hours of trying to wake you." I smiled, "I warned you that I'm a late sleeper."

"Oh, you don't say."

I playfully pushed Jimmy out of my way and ran down the stairs to the lobby, where I ran into Robert. "Good morning, beautiful," he chimed. "Good morning, Rob," I said ruffling his soft blonde hair. "Not the hair," he whined. I laughed and rushed past him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to my house to pack."

"Let me come with you? I wanna met your family." 

I shrugged, "Well, I don't really live with my family, but why not."

"You live far from here?"

"No, just about three blocks."

"Okay then, it's within walking distance." He offered me his hand and we strolled out of the lobby, down the street, and into my small neighborhood. "Have you even been to Europe before, Kitty Kat?"


"Well you'll love it, just don't share a room with Bonzo, unless you want to wake up to a bed full of mice... I learned that the hard way." I laughed and nodded. "I'll make a note of that." We talked and laughed until we reached my small, one story house. "It's quaint," Robert pointed out. "I wish I could live in a normal neighborhood and in a normal house." 

"Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it," I teased. I searched in my pockets and fished out my keys and shoved them into the lock. When I opened the door, it was dead silent. The floor creaked beneath my feet as i stepped inside. "Caroline?" I shouted. My voice echoed throughout the room. "Kat!" I heard someone shout back. All of a sudden, Caroline came rushing down the steps. She was wearing tight black jeans and a white shirt with mustard colored stripes, which made her pale blue eyes pop. Her long blonde hair was up in a tight ponytail. The first thing she did was run up to me and give me a huge hug. "I've missed you, Kat!"

"I've missed you, too." I could hear Robert chuckle from behind me. What was he laughing at? I bet this was him and Jimmy when they were apart for a while. 

After Caroline stepped back, she laid her eyes on Robert. Her jaw dropped and her eyes grew as big a saucers. Her voice was shaky, probably because she was so shocked, "Yo-You're R-Robert Plant!" Robert smiled, "Well, I was the last time I checked."

"I'm such a huge fan of your work. I've been listening to you guys since 68."

"Well, it's nice to meet a long time fan." He reached out to shake her hand and she gladly took it. She had this huge smile plastered on her face, like her face was frozen. I looked over at Robert, "Can I get you anything?"

"Nah, I'm fine. I'll juts stick around for now." Caroline beamed, "Make yourself at home, Mr. Plant."


She blushed, "Oh, right." Caroline grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen. "Tell me everything!" she insisted. 

"Well, where do I start?" I said as I grabbed a mug from the cabinet to make myself some coffee. "The last couple of days have been amazing. I've been hanging out with the band and really getting to know them." I grabbed the pot of coffee on the counter and poured it in the mug. Caroline had a smug look, "Did anything happen?" I took a sip of my coffee, trying to hid the smile on my face. "Not yet, but I hope so."

"Oooooh," Caroline chimed. "Well, if you get married to one of them, I'll be the first one there."

I smiled, "Thanks Caroline, but I don't think that'll happen."

"They'd be crazy to pass up a girl like you."

"Aw, thanks, Caro."

"Anything, Kat." I placed the mug down on the table and sighed, "Welp, I gotta go pack now."

"Wait, pack?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to Europe."

"You are WHAT?!"

"I'm going to Europe with them, on their tour." Caroline grabbed my shoulders and shook me vigorously. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, KAT! I'M SO JEALOUS!"

"Shh! He could hear you." She let go of me and stepped back, "Oh yeah, sorry."

"You're okay with this, right?"

"Of course I am! I'm over the moon for you. Just make sure you send me postcards."

"Will do."

"Now go pack! Europe can't wait!" She playfully pushed me to the door and shoved me out to the living room. Robert was staring at me, his eyebrows raised. I blushed, "You heard that didn't you?"

"Every word." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Oh my god, Caroline."

"It's fine, she seems nice."

"Yeah, but sometimes she can be a pain in the ass."

"Like someone I know."


"I was talking about Jimmy."

"You better be." He laughed as we made our way down the hall to my room. I reached under my bed for my dark blue duffel bag. I placed it on the top of my bed and began rummaging through my dresser for some clothes. I grabbed a handful of clothes from the top drawer and stuffed them into the bag. Robert reached for the pile of clothes scattered about the top of my bed. "Here, let me help." Aw, that was sweet of him.

He went over to my dresser and scoured in the second drawer. "Hey Kat?" I turned my head to look at Robert. He was holding up an old Rolling Stones shirt with the big red logo on the front and The Rolling Stones spelled out in big bulky white letters. He raised his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes. I went over to him and snatched it right out of his hands. "It was a gift from someone, before Led Zeppelin was even a thing."

"If you say so." I balled up the worn out shirt and tossed it back into the dresser. "Are you stealing my clothes, Kitty Kat?"

"Huh?" I turned around and laughed when I saw Robert holding up a frilly white blouse that looked exactly like the one that he was wearing. "You have a very good sense of style, Percy," I joked. He handed my the blouse and I stuffed it into the bag. "Ok, just a few more things." I went over to my vanity and quickly grabbed my curling iron, some brushes, and my only hairdryer. "Finished."

"Good, because Peter is gonna be pissed if we aren't at the airport on time." We filed out of my room and strolled down the hall to the door. Caroline was just coming out of the kitchen, drying her hands with a lime green dish rag. "Aw, going so soon?" she said with a puppy dog face. 

Robert smiled, "I'm afraid so, but I look forward to seeing you again, love." He winked and tenderly kissed the back of her left hand, which made her swoon. She bit her lip and gave me a side eyed look, trying to remain calm, even though I knew on the inside that she was probably doing somersaults. "Come on, Robert, we don't want to be late."

"Right, I'm on my way."

We slipped out the front door and walked down to the hotel, where the limo was waiting. Jimmy was in the driver's seat and he slammed his fist on the horn, the sound blaring in my ears. "First stop, Europe!"

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