The Big Day

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*This chapter is probably the longest I've written ever, so prepare yourselves.

Jimmy's POV

She said YES! I still can't believe it. The most beautiful girl in the world agreed to marry me. I feel like I'm in some crazy dream. Peter and Richard were obviously furious with me for doing this, but they can go eat shit. I wasn't going to let the thought of them ruin my day. Bonzo, Robert, Jonesy, and I were scurrying throughout the hotel room frantically, trying to get everything perfect to look our best for today. I threw on my jacket and stared in the mirror, it felt like something was missing. I looked over to Jonesy and asked him for his opinion. "Hmm, it needs a tie," he suggested. Since I didn't own any ties, Jonesy lent me one of his. It was turquoise with dark blue stripe going across of it. I wasn't used to putting on a tie, so it took me a while, but eventually I got it on. Robert came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but black trousers and a tie. "Hey, what do you think?"

"Put on a shirt, Percy!" Bonzo said.

"I like this better, though," Robert said admiring himself in the mirror. Jonesy grabbed one of the dress shirts of the bed and chucked it at Robert's head, "Put this on, nobody wants to see that." Robert laughed and went back into the bathroom, coming back out with the shirt on and the tie hanging over his shoulder. 

Kat's POV

I sat there, staring at myself in the mirror. Today was the day, the day I would get married to the man I loved. I looked down at my white dress. It was just a plain and simple dress, covered in vintage lace and an open back. It also had a white ribbon tied around my waist. It was a pretty long dress that went down to my ankles. I twirled around, the dress surrounding me like a big white ora. I think I was spinning a little too much because I got a little dizzy and lost my balance. Allison rushed up to me and caught me before I fell. "Whoa, careful there, Kat. Don't want to hurt yourself on your wedding day." Allison was Robert's younger sister, who volunteered to keep me company before the wedding. Jimmy's cousin, Lisa, was in the room with us, too. But she wasn't really a social butterfly. She just sat in the corner, twirling her long black hair. 

Allison went over to the bed where my veil was smoothed out on. She picked it up and gently place it on my head. She smoothed it out and let it fall out over my shoulders, like a big lacy waterfall. She smiled at my reflection in the mirror, "You look gorgeous. Don't you think Lisa?" Lisa looked up and nodded, "Jimmy is a lucky guy." I looked back and smiled, so grateful for them, "Thanks, girls."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Allison said as she glided over to the door. She swung it open, and to my surprise, stood Caroline in the doorway. "Caroline!" I beamed.

"Kat!" she shouted as she ran across the room to hug me. She squeezed me until I couldn't breathe. Once she let go, I stepped back, "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, I did tell you that if you got married to one of these guys, I'd show up to your wedding. So, here I am! And may I be the first to say that you look stunning."

"I'm so glad you decided to show up."

"Hey, I'm not gonna miss my best friend's wedding! This is huge! I'm super happy for you."

"Thanks, Caroline."

Allison went up to Caroline and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Allison, Kat has told us so much about you."

"Oh, hi, it's nice to meet you." Allison gestured over to Lisa, "That's Lisa, she's pretty shy." Lisa waved from her small corner and Caroline waved back. "Pleasure to meet you all." We spent the next few minutes talking and getting to know each other. It turns out, Lisa was also a musician, but not as big as Jimmy. Suddenly, Bonzo opened the door, his hand over his eyes. "Is it safe?" he asked. I went up to him and pulled his hand off his face. "Yep, Bonzo, you're good." He let out a relieved sigh, "Good, I didn't wanna walk in on anything." We all had a good laugh. Allison smiled, "What are you doing here anyway?"

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