The Unexpected Visit

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*The new characters in this chapter won't stay very long (sorry)

Jimmy's POV

I wake up to a huge star blinding my vision. I shielded my eyes, blocking the glare with my forearm. But I figure out it was just a hospital light when I saw the nurse pull it away. She had long, curly blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. Her light brown eyes crinkled into a smile. "Well, you're finally up," she says, flicking off the light. She walks to the door and places her hand on the brass knob. "You have visitors," she mentions as she opens the door. The first person I see is Jonesy, rushing in with this concerned look on his face. "Jimmy, Jimmy!" he cries as he moves to the foot of my bed. 

He glances down at my arm and his jaw almost drops. "What happened?" I look down at my hands and shrug. I hear the door swing open and I see a blurry figure of someone with curly blonde hair. I hear Robert's voice, "What is wrong with you, James?" he snaps. I say nothing I he approaches me. "Have you gone mad? We were so worried. I thought it was too late!" My eyes well up with tears. I didn't realize how much trouble I caused, I just needed to clear my mind, that's all. "I'm sorry," I mumble under my breath. 

Just then, Richard barges in without knocking, like he always does. He didn't look very pleased as he stormed over to my side. "James Patrick Page! What the bloody hell is your problem?" He shouts so loud that I bet everyone down the hall could hear him. I blink back my tears and apologize again, but he doesn't want to hear it. "Apologizing doesn't fix your crappy reputation! Do you know how many times I had to get you out of trouble? Do you know how many times I've gotten reports about your behavior! You have taken this thing too far, James!" I wished they would stop calling me by my given name. 

Robert gently places his hand on Richard's shoulder, "I think he gets it, Rich. No need to keep harping on him. He is sorry, and I'm sure he means good." Richard's face is bright red from rage, I could almost see puffs of smoke coming out of his ears. I scoot over a bit, trying to keep the distance between us reasonable, because I was starting to get scared. Richard glares at me, I could see small beads of sweat glistening from his forehead. "One more time, Jim, and that is it!" He huffs and storms out of the room, and that was it. 

Bonzo peeks his head from the door, "Is it safe now?" Jonesy smiles, "Come in, Bonzo." He steps in and rushes to my side. "You okay, Jim Jam?" I simply nod, not wanting to spark conversation. I peeked over Bonzo's head into the hall to see if I can spot any sign of Kat, but all I see are a bunch of patients, doctors, and nurses scuffling back and forth. 

"Is something wrong?" My head snaps towards Jonesy's direction. His eyebrows were knitted together, like he was trying to remember something important. I sigh and say nothing. I really wanted Kat to be here, but I understand that she isn't. I now see why she doesn't want to be with me. It's because I always stir up some sort of trouble now and then. I always start something that just ruins everything. I lower my head and once again choke back my tears. It's not like I want to cause trouble, it's just that I always find myself in trouble. 

And just like that, I almost feel my spirits lift when I hear a small knock at the door. No, it wasn't Kat. Instead, I saw a tall man with dark hair and dark eyes. It was one of my closest friends, Keith Moon. The left side of my mouth lifted up into a smile when I saw him. He always found a way to make me feel better. And not far behind him was Roger Daltrey. He reminded me very much of Robert, sometimes I even mixed them up. "Mind if we pay a visit?" Roger chimes. "Not at all," I whisper, a little surprised out how shaky my voice came out. They strut across the floor, like they were on a runway. Keith smiles at me, making the ashes from his cigarette fall off and trickle onto the floor. "So, how have you been?" he asks. I almost roll my eyes, since my appearance basically answers that question. I don't answer and just stare at him, my eyes staring right through his soul. "Oh," he thinks aloud. 

"Where are the others?" 

"Pete is in the parking lot looking for a good place to park." Just then, Pete stumbles into the room, panting like a dog. After he catches his breath, he simply smiles and waves at me, his ark eyes twinkling. "Pete Townshend," I say nodding my head, acknowledging his presence. "Jim Jam, my man," he jokes. He snatches the cigarette from his mouth and smashes it into the ash tray by my bed. I felt a little uncomfortable with everyone surrounding me, staring at me like I was some animal at the zoo. All I wanted was to get out of here and get back to my music, I just wanted to forget any of this ever happened. 

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