Whole Lotta Love

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*Read at your own risk!

Kat's POV

We were finally in Europe! I was practically bouncing in my seat, a bunch of different things rushing through my mind. I had to be dreaming, but no. I was actually here! I think Bonzo sensed my excitement. "I think you should switch to decaf, darling."

"That makes two of us." He chuckled and shook his head at the puns. I viewed Bonzo as a brother more than a friend. We were really close at this point, it made me feel like I was back in New York with my family. 

When we arrived at the hotel, I was in awe. The hotels in Europe were much more glamorous than in the United States. The walls literally had gold engraved in them, and the floor was a red velvet carper with silver flecks in them. I was snapped back into reality at the sound of Peter's voice. "We have three rooms, so someone needs to share."

"Kat could share with me," Jimmy said with a sly grin. I glanced at Robert to hear his opinion on this, but had a worried look on his face. Peter, unaware of what was going on between us, nodded, "It's settled then, lets go and just call it a night already." Jimmy came over to and slipped his arm around me, "Come darling, I have a lovely view of Vienna." I shrugged. What could possibly go wrong? I looked back at Robert to say goodnight, but he was gone. 

As Jimmy and I were riding up the elevator, I sensed his eyes on me. I didn't look his way, but I knew just by the cold shiver that went down my spine. Jimmy walked off as soon as the doors opened, his arm still around me. I almost tripped trying to keep up with him, I never noticed that he was such as fast walker. 

We finally made it to room 394, it was almost ten o'clock. He fiddled around with the keys at first, but eventually he forced them into the locked and opened the door. My mouth almost fell open. It was gorgeous! My feet sank into the soft white carpet laid out into the floor. The carrot- colored walls looked great with the dark green curtains placed at every window. Jimmy saw my expression and sighed, "Marvelous, isn't it?" I nodded, "Breath taking."

"But it's not as beautiful as you, dear." I blushed and tucked a stray piece of my wavy brown hair behind my ear. He tipped his head over at the red couch, motioning me to sit. "I'll be right back," he said at he disappeared into the bedroom. I was trembling. Was this what I think it was? Oh, no no no no no. I was with Robert, and that was final. I wasn't going to let this ruin everything, not tonight. I got up to leave, but Jimmy caught me before I could. He had a green bottle of white wine in his left hand, and two crystal glasses in the other. "Don't go, just for a minute?"

"I--" I couldn't finish my sentence. What if it wasn't what I thought? Maybe I was just jumping to conclusions. I didn't want to seem rude. "Okay, I'm staying."

"Thank you, Kitty Kat." He gently placed the crystal glasses on the coffee table and filled them both up halfway. He shoved one in my hand and lifted his glass to the air. "To Europe, and a new friend, cheers!" He tapped his glass with mine and took a long swig. This wasn't so bad. Before I knew it, I was finished with my glass. I felt a little dazed, but I could still see clearly. "I've got something better," Jimmy mumbled as he made his way back into the bedroom. He came back out with two full bottles of Jack Daniels. I shook my head. "Too strong for me, sorry."

"It's not that bad, trust me."

"I will only if you will."

"It's a deal." Jimmy unscrewed the cap on the bottle and took a long swig from the bottle. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve from his cream-cream colored blouse and handed the bottle to me. I stared into it worryingly. "I don't know if I am up for this."

"It's nothing, just drink it fast so it won't burn as much." I held the strong liquid up to my face, the smell almost knocking the senses out of my nose. "I'm trusting you on this one." I held the bottle to the lips and quickly swallowed it down. I knew it was too much. I was coughing uncontrollably. Jimmy handed me the glass of water on the table and I gulped it down. "You okay, bird?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... maybe something a little easier."

"I've got just the thing." Jimmy got up once again and went back into the bed room, again. He came out with a small bottle of rum and handed it to me. "Where are you getting all of this stuff?" I slurred. Jimmy put his finger to his lips, "Shh, it's a secret." I chuckled and took a quick swig of the rum. This wasn't so bad, I could handle this. Jimmy took the Jack Daniels bottle and started chugging it until there wasn't a drop left of the amber liquid. 

The more sips I took, the dizzier I felt. I felt my vision beginning to blur, and my head started throbbing. I looked over at Jimmy, who was trying to keep his drink down by sipping a small glass of water. I rubbed the side of my head, trying to relieve the aching headache. "It won't last long," Jimmy reassured. I knew what he meant, I was drunk. Jimmy looked my way and gave me a cheeky smile. He slipped his hand behind me neck and pulled my face towards his. I could taste a little of the Jack Daniels on his lips. I knew this was wrong, but I couldn't stop for some reason. His other free hand gently brushed up against my leg. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. This was insane. You know that little voice in the back of your head telling you that this is wrong? Yeah, it wouldn't shut up, but I was distracted from it when Jimmy started to tug on my shirt. I pulled away as my senses started to come back. I opened my mouth to say something, but I got lost in his cold gray eyes. I brushed one of his glossy black curls out of his face and he smiled. He leaned in to kiss me again, but I stopped him. "Something wrong, darling?"

"What if someone catches us?" I whispered. Jimmy got up and made his way to the door. He reached for the knob and turned the lock, making a little click sound. He winked and took me in his arms, pressing me up against the wall. He leaned in, locking his lips with mine again. I dug my fingers in his hair, trying to steady myself as my knees grew weaker and weaker. He pulled away and then tenderly began to kiss the side of my neck. His soft lips made me tremble. I started pulling on his flowy blouse and threw it on the ground carelessly. I kept pulling him towards me, his lips wrestling with mine. He started fiddling with my leather jacket, throwing off me and tossing it on the red couch. 

I knew that things were getting out of hand, but I just couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried to resist. Jimmy's hands dropped down to the bottom of my shirt, tugging it over my head. We toppled up against the closed bedroom door, unable to control ourselves. Jimmy took one of his hands off of me and reached behind him for the door knob. When he finally got his hand on it, he turned the gold knob and we both fell backwards onto the soft white carpet as the door opened from behind us. I tumbled onto the bed, giggling like crazy, and Jimmy wasn't far behind. I saw a smile curl at the corner of his lips. We both knew what was going to happen next. He gently stroke his palm across my cheek, and he leaned in again, his soft lips pressing up against mine as if our lives depended on it. I was either going to regret tonight, or remember this night forever.

Robert's POV

I heard giggling through the thin walls of the hotel, and they were coming from Jimmy's room. I couldn't sleep. I sat there, lying awake, thinking of what was going on in there. I didn't even want to think about what he has done before to the other girls, it was unimaginable. I was just praying that it wasn't poor Kat in there, because she loved me, or at least that what she said.

I was tossing and turning all night, trying to get at least a little sleep, but it was impossible. I turned on my side to see the time on the clock. It was dark, so I had to squint in order to read it. It was almost midnight, and I still wasn't asleep. I got up and went over to the mirror. My hair was a blonde curly bird's nest, and there were dark circles under my worn out eyes. I was really out of it. I heard a loud and startling crash from down the hall, coming from Jimmy's room again. I turned around startled at the loud sound. I really needed to know what was going on in there. I was about to go find out when all of a sudden a wave of sleepiness came over me. I stretched and yawned. Oh yeah, now I'm tired, what took so long? I dragged myself over to my bed and collapsed onto it. I heard more uncontrollable giggling still coming from jimmy's room. I pulled the covers over my head, trying to block it out. My mind began to wonder, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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