Don't Leave Me, Babe

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Kat's POV

I was about to have a mental breakdown right then and there. The lead singer of Led Zeppelin, the one and only Robert Plant, is talking to me. I tried not to show how excited I was and kept sketching in my notebook. I suddenly felt someone breathing down my neck. What the hell? I whipped my head around to see Robert, staring at my drawing. He jumped back a little, startled. "You draw?" 

"Uh, yeah, kinda."

"Not bad."

"They're okay, but I've seen better."

"You are better than me."

"I didn't know that you draw."

"Exactly." I rolled my eyes, turning back to my work, but Robert kept talking. "My art is in the form of music. It speaks to me, and I just can't resist listening." 

"Whatever you need to tell yourself." He laughed, a smile spreading across his face. I took the last few sips of my drink and put the crystal glass down on the coffee table in front of me. I tried to put the last finishing touches on my drawing, but I felt my eye lids getting heavier. I was as tired as hell. I gently placed my notebook on the small night table next to me and laid down on the soft couch, using my arm as a pillow. I let my mind wonder as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Robert's POV 

It was almost 2 in the morning and Kat already fell asleep. Now what? I was sitting alone, recalling the moment when I saw Kat at the concert. She was smiling at me. Well, all the girls I saw smiled at me, but she was different. I don't know how and I don't know why, it was just different.

Just then, Jonesy, Bonzo, and Jimmy burst through the door, laughing like fucked up hyenas. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kat starting to stir a bit. I put my finger on my lips and nodded my head over to Kat, sleeping silently on the couch. Jonesy's eyes widened and Bonzo tilted his head a bit, confused. Didn't they notice her here before? "Who the hell is that?" Bonzo said, adjusting his eyes. Jimmy sighed, throwing his coat on the chair, "Poor bird wondered in here earlier. Her name is Katrina or something." What the fuck, Jimmy. "Katherine," I corrected. "Kat for short." Jimmy pointed past me, still dazed "What he said." 

Peter then came into the room. "Limo is finally here to take to the hotel, come lads." Jonesy followed Peter, Jimmy tagging along. Bonzo glanced at Kat, still asleep, "She coming, too?" 

"Obviously Bonzo. We aren't going to just leave her here."

"Want me to help?"

"I think I got it." Bonzo nodded and left. I glided over to the couch and saw Kat snoring silently. I smirked, she seemed so cute when she did that. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the door. I kicked the door open and carefully carried her down the hall, trying my best not to wake her. As I turned the corner, Kat started stirring again. Fuck. So much for being careful. "Shh, go back to sleep darling," I cooed. The stirring stopped and I broke out into a small sprint. No wonder she couldn't find her way out, this place was huge. 

I finally found the door that led to the back, where the limo was waiting. I saw Peter, holding the door open for Bonzo as he plopped down into a seat next to Jonesy. Peter saw me and raised his eyebrows at the sight of Kat. "What do we have here?"

"Is it okay if she comes along, Peter?" He pondered the thought. "Okay, just make sure that Jimmy doesn't shag her." 

"I heard that you bastard!" Jimmy called from the limo. I chuckled, climbing into the limo. I sat down and gently placed Kat's head in my lap. I started stroking her wavy brown hair and studied her face. She had freckles, small ones, that you could only see if you looked close enough. "You got feelings for her, Percy?" I looked up to see a smirk on Jimmy's face and froze. "No." All three of them started laughing hysterically like I said the funniest thing in the world. "Guys be quiet, you're gonna wake her up." It grew quiet, and it felt like the world stopped for a minute. I frowned, "What is it?" Jimmy nodded his head past me. I turned to look, and there she was. Kat was awake, sitting up straight, looking right back at me.

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