The Big Day (Part 2)

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Jimmy's POV

As we entered the hall, it filled with cheers. We got a standing ovation from everyone who could stand, and applause from everyone with hands (so basically everyone). I probably sound ridiculous to you right now, it's just that I'm so happy I can't even think straight! We sat at one of the tables where the others were sitting. We sat around for a few minutes, chatting and joking around, and thanking the people who came up to congratulate us. One of those people, was Richard Cole. I could feel my heart stop as I watched him approach our table. I didn't want him to ruin our day by throwing at fit and making a big scene in front of everyone. But he was unusually calm when he spoke to me, I was still skeptical though. "Could I talk to you, both of you?" I looked at Rich, then Kat, then back to Rich, then Kat. "Leave Kat out of this," Robert said in a firm tone. Rich nodded his head to the side, "Bud out Goldilocks." Robert's jaw dropped, "Well now that's just personal." He then flashed him a small half smile and continued on chatting with the blonde girl sitting next to him. I don't know if Robert is high on something, but he is definitely acting like a goofball. 

Kat reached for my arm, "No, let me come. I need to know."

"Are you sure, love?"

"Positive." I gave her a slight nod as we both rised. Rich led the way to a small and quiet room, where it was easier to hear him. "Richard, I know you're angry but--" I started. But he cut me off, raising his hand in front of my face signaling for me to stop. "I know this may sound strange but," he began, "I'm glad you guys did what you did." Me and Kat both shared a confused look. Rich snickered, "I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I'm serious. It was a big weight lifted off my shoulders. No one has had the courage to stand up to me like that before, and for that I'm really impressed with you, James."

I rolled my eyes at him for using my real name, but I still felt proud. I've never received praise like that from Rich before, and now that I have, I feel like I'm ten feet tall. Rich waved his hand toward the door, "You're dismissed." We both got up and scurried to the door, elated to find out that it was good news that Richard had to give us. Know that no one was against us made this day feel ten times better.

Bonzo rushed up to me, his drumsticks clutched in his left hand, "There you are, Jimmy! It's time to rock and roll!" He jumped up and whooped, which made me laugh. He latched onto my arm and pulled me to the stage, which almost made me trip in the process. I stumbled onto the stage and pick up my Les Paul which was propped against the wall, glimmering in the stage lights. Robert looked back at me and smiled, "Let's do this!"

He leaned into the microphone and began spewing his words. "To the happy newlyweds, whom are dear to my heart. I hope you guys are really happy and your marriage lives on for many years to come. Now let's rock!" The crowd cheered and howled as I scraped my pick against the strings. I began playing the chorus to We're gonna Grove, and the party began. Everyone in the room began to dance and let themselves go. In the middle of the song, Robert let out his hand into the cramped audience and let the girl with the long blonde hair onto the stage. It was the girl he was sitting next to during the ceremony, whom I believe is very good friends with Kat. She laughed as he began to shake his hair around like a crazy dog. Just then, she grabbed him by the shoulders and leaned in for a kiss,which kinda grabbed Robert off guard. He quickly pulled away and sang the next line of the song into the microphone, then going back in for another quick kiss. I laughed, because that was the Robert I knew, putting women before the moment. 

In the very first row stood Kat, dancing along to the wild music, letting her spirit run free. She smiled and I smiled back. I never thought of myself getting married, just thought I was gonna move on. But that was before I met Kat, and now my focus was all on her. I didn't know what I would do without her. As Robert has sang before: "If the sun refused to shine, I'd still be loving you. If mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me." Because she was my love, she was my friend, she was my light in the face of darkness, she was my absolute everything.

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