Somethin' Else

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Robert's POV

On the plane right to Europe, I couldn't think of anything else but that kiss. I didn't think it would actually happen, this is the first time I'm happy that I was wrong. 

Kat sat next to me on the plane ride. Occasionally she would flash me a cute smile, but other than that we stayed silent and neither of us brought up what happened between us earlier... but I was wrong again.



"Why did you pick me? Out of all girls."

"Because you're smart, loving, and you know your music." I carefully took her hand and she rested her head on my shoulder. "So what happens now?"

"Love figures itself out, all you have to do is go with it." She looked up at me, her eyebrows arched. "Do you always talk like a Hallmark card?" I smiled and kissed her forehead, "You'll learn to love it, darling."

There was a long pause as my words lingered in the air. I felt Kat's breathing begin to steady and her body became calm. She was asleep. To me, a nap didn't seem to bad either. I gently rested my head on top of her's and closed my eyes, replaying the scene that happened between me and Kat. Her emerald eyes gazing into mine, my long blonde hair covering my face as our lips locked. It wasn't like any other kiss I had before, it was like a cosmic energy. I know I say that a lot, but this time, I mean it.

Jimmy's POV

The plane ride never seemed to bloody end. The hours went by like years, god there was absolutely nothing to do. I got up, still a little drowsy from the leftover hangover, and went over to my acoustic guitar that was leaning up against the wall. I set it in my lap and gracefully moved my hand along the neck, feeling the different frets and the nylon strings. I played the first song that came to mind, Babe I'm Gonna Leave You. It was a simple song to play on my acoustic, nothing too complicated, for me anyway. 

As I played the intro, I looked up to see Kat resting on Robert's shoulder. I adjusted my eyes a bit and noticed that they were holding hands. Why did Robert always get the prettier girls? It was never fair. He would always get the nicer ones while I get the ones with the bloody ass attitudes, which totally pissed me off. I kept playing, trying to get my mind off them, but it was no use. I had to have her, and I knew the perfect way.

*Sorry this is short, but this is a build up for the next chapter -wink wink-

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