Till We Meet Again, Darling

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Jimmy's POV

Kat was going off to college already?! Damn, those four months flew by fast. We were in Australia at the time, waiting for Kat's plane at the airport. I really hated to see her go, I did love her after all. Don't get me wrong, I was very happy for her, but somewhere inside I felt depressed. I knew that the moment that she walked onto that plane, there was a small chance that she would choose to come back to us. There would be so many other better options for her, why would she even want to come back? But I still had a small ray of hope inside of me, hope that she would soon return.

Robert's POV

I usually don't show emotion at events like these, but today was completely different. I was on the verge of tears when she hugged me goodbye. I held her close and whispered into her ear, "You come right back here when you're done and we will pick up right where we left off, okay?"    She nodded and I wiped the small tears forming in the corners of her eyes. I would never forget those eyes.

Bonzo's POV

It hurt to see Kat go, but it had to happen sometime. I wasn't expecting her to stick around for much longer anyway, this was common with birds. But Kat was no ordinary bird, she was very important to me, and I'm sure the other guys would agree. She always had time for all of us, and she treated us no different from everyone else she knew. She never let the fame and fortune faze her, and that was what made her such a great person.

Jonesy's POV

I knew that when I first met Kat, I said that I hardly knew her and that she wasn't my type. But as I got to know her, we actually had a lot in common. Turns out she used to take piano lessons in her childhood, and she loved Lord of the Rings. But on a sadder note, she was leaving us already. I did not want her to leave so soon, I really liked having her around. She was more of a sister to me than just a friend. I prayed that she would come back as soon as school was over, but there was a small chance of that due to the four year time span we will be apart from her.

Kat's POV

I really hated to leave some of my closest friends behind, but they wouldn't let me have it any other way. Each goodbye made it harder and harder for me to get on that plane. I hugged each one of them so tight that you probably had to use a crowbar to pry me loose. Each goodbye was special to me, especially Robert's. I would never forget them, even if I tried, they would never slip from my memory. 

I heard my flight being called over the loudspeakers, the guys' cue to leave. Everyone turned around and left, all but Jimmy. I had to admit, when I had to say goodbye to Jimmy, I felt different. I felt empty, I felt lonely, I felt as if I had just lost the only thing I love. He gazed at me with those gray eyes and he just couldn't control himself. I watched as a single tear trickled down his cheek. I have never seen him cry before, and it made me feel like crying, too. 

I wiped the tear from his cheek with my hand, the same way Robert always did with me. I let out a shaky breath, "I could stay." He shook his head, "This is your chance, I'm not letting you pass it up."

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes." I opened my mouth to say more, but I felt that if I said anything else I would probably burst into tears. He cupped my face in his hands, which shut me up almost immediately. He whispered, "Kat, there was something I've always wanted to tell you, something that I've been hiding the entire time. I haven't told this to anyone, you're the first to know." I stood there silent, shocked that he had just suddenly decided to open up and spill his guts to me now. "What is it?"

"I love you. I'm not just saying that, I really do love you. You mean more to me than any other girl in the world and I love you more than anything. I was sure from the first time I saw you walk through that door in Madison Square, I was sure that I loved you. And it hurt me when I saw you and Robert together, I just didn't say anything because I wanted you to be happy. If something hurts you, it hurts me, too."

I needed a second to process that. I had no idea on how to react. I was completely shocked. I had no idea that he actually felt this way about me. I had to be dreaming. I was just waiting to wake up and find myself lying in my warm bed in my own room filled with my Led Zeppelin posters and all of my vinyl records. I wanted to wake to the sound of my other calling my name from the kitchen. But no, this was all real, and I had to face it. I couldn't run, I couldn't hide, so I had to face it whether I liked it or not.

I stroke Jimmy's rosy cheek with the back of my hand. I didn't care what everyone else thought at this point, all that mattered was him and me. The truth was, I did love Jimmy. Did I love him more than Robert? I don't know the answer to that, but there was only one way to find out. I put my hand on the back of his neck and let him pull me towards him. I placed my lips onto his, and that was it, I was sure I loved him. I still wasn't sure that I love him more than Robert, and which made me scared. How could I ever choose between them?

When Jimmy pulled away, he gave me a small smile and whispered, "Thank you."

"I'll come back Jimmy, for you."

"I know you will, and I'll be waiting."


"Until then, love."

I turned around and ran, ran as fast as my legs could take me. I rushed onto the plane and plopped down in my seat. I stared out the window, looking up at the sky. The sky seemed to know how I was feeling. There were gray clouds hovering in the dull sky. I closed my eyes, fighting back my tears, but it was no use. They fought through and streamed down my cheeks. I protected my face with my hands so I didn't attract any attention. Was this what I really wanted? Did I really want to leave one of the most important aspects in my life behind me? I sighed, Don't leave, don't leave you'll regret it, I thought over and over. I looked down at my arm and played with the bracelet jangling around my wrist. I recalled the night when Robert gave it to me, which brought a smile to my face. But then I looked out the window and peered into the parking lot, where I saw the limo pull out and leave. It was like a big stormy cloud hovering over my head. I felt the tears come back and the bracelet around my wrist felt like a chain forcing me to stay. I hugged my knees to my chest and buried my head in my arms. How could I ever let them go?

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