Since I've Been Loving You

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*I am gonna be creative now and start naming the chapters, so enjoy it while it lasts!

Kat's POV

I was beyond shocked. I couldn't believe it. I thought that Jimmy only view me as a friend, but I guess I was wrong about that the whole time. I had to talk to him about this. I broke away from Robert's embrace and looked deeply into his eyes. He looked just as hurt as I did, which made me feel like a piece of shit. I would never do that to Robert, ever. I hated myself now, and I couldn't forgive myself.

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, the same way that I did to Jimmy earlier, and sighed. Robert already knew what I was thinking, and he simply nodded, letting me go. I rushed out of his arms, out the door, and down the hall to Jimmy's room. When I approached the door, I was taken aback by the huge crowd that was crowded outside the door. The word finally got out, I guess.

I pushed my way through the fan-crazed crowd of people, but I was held back by a young man who was also trying to make his way up front to the door. I didn't want to be rude, so I politely tapped on his shoulder. "Excuse me!" I yelled over the screaming fans, "Could I get in front of you, please?"

"I was here first, lady! Fuck off!" What the hell did he just say to me? I wasn't going to let anyone treat me like that. The hell with kindness, he better save his ass. I grabbed his sleeve and dug my fingernails into his arm. "I said let me through!" I screamed. I shoved him out of the way, making him stumble onto the carpeting.

I few heads turned my way, but they were quickly snapped back into reverse when Jimmy walked out of the room with the jacket from his dragon suit thrown over his shoulders. His cold gray eyes widened at the huge crowd. I waved at him and called, "Jimmy! Over here!" He scanned the jumble of people until he caught my eye, and he made his way to me. Before I could say a word, he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him. We were in hot pursuit. The massive crowd was not far behind when we finally reached the elevator. Jimmy pressed the button five times, anxious to get away from the obsessed fandom. The doors finally opened when the crowd was on our heels. "Get in!" Jimmy screamed, pushing me into the elevator. A young girl with short red hair latched onto Jimmy's arm, screaming to the top of her lungs. I never thought that fan mobs would be so aggressive. Jimmy shook her off and bolted into the elevator with me. I slammed my finger onto the first floor button and the doors closed on the herd of wild pack animals.

Jimmy was panting, like he had just ran a marathon. I grabbed his hand to get his attention, "Jimmy, we have to talk."

"What about?"

"About last night." He froze and turned slowly to me, "Robert told you didn't he?" I nodded and Jimmy sighed, looking at the ceiling again. "I'm really sorry, Kat. I was such a dick. I shouldn't had done that to you, it was totally wrong. Please, could you ever forgive me?" I could tell that he really meant it, his gleaming eyes filled with pain, but a small ray of hope that I would forgive him. I walked closer to him and folded my hands behind my back. "Of course I forgive you, Jimmy. We all make mistakes," I rocked back and forth on my heels to make myself seem taller. Jimmy smiled, relieved, "And we all learn from our mistakes, don't we?" I smiled and nodded, "Hell, yeah." I gave him a small and meaningless kiss on the cheek and trotted out of the elevator when the doors lurched open, but Jimmy stayed behind. "You coming, Jim Jam?" He shook his black curls out his face, "I'm right behind you."

Robert's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed with my face buried in my hands. How could he? Jimmy knew that I loved Kat but he shagged her anyway, the dirty bastard. But I knew that Kat wouldn't want him anyway, despite how damn attractive he was, she wasn't going to let that change her mind. I knew Kat, and she would never do anything to hurt me.

I glanced over at Bonzo, who was picking on a loose feather poking out of one of the cushions on the sofa. He spoke, still focusing on the feather, "So Jim shagged her, huh?" I rolled my eyes, "Drop it, Bonzo." He looked up and raised his eyebrows at me, "But I have to know, Planty." I got up and made my way towards him. "Just keep your pretty little nose out of other people's business," I said, tapping his nose. He flinched away from me and swatted my hand away.

Jonesy walked out of the bathroom with a tired look on his face. "What kept you up all last night, Jones?" Jonesy rubbed his chin yawned feverishly. "Sorry mates, I think I'm sick." Bonzo shot up, "But what about the concert tonight?" Jonesy shrugged, "I can't play in this condition." I snickered, "Ooh, Peter is gonna be so pissed at you, Jonesy." He shot me a cold look and I stop in an instant. "It's cold and flu season, there was nothing I could do," Jonesy yawned again, "Anyone know where the cough syrup is?"

Bonzo pointed to the bathroom door, "In the cabinets under the sink."

Jonesy trudged to the bathroom door with every ounce of energy he had inside of him. Poor fello, Peter is gonna beat his ass when he finds out about this.

"I'm hungry," Bonzo said randomly.

"You always are, Bonzo," I scoffed.

"Well a human needs to eat."

"Fine, let's go find Jimmy and Kat and we'll go for a bite to eat, happy?"

"Yes very much, thank you."

I went over to my small bag and rummaged through it, looking for a decent shirt. I was a light packer, I didn't need many things when we went on tour. Unlike Jimmy, who brought four suitcases full of his satin blouses and striped trousers.

I finally found my favorite shirt that was hiding under the pile of clothes. It was a light blue shirt with big white letters that read Nurses Do It Better. It was my favorite shirt because it just let my hippie side shine through, although Jonesy called it something that an "old school hooligan" would wear. I threw it on and ran my fingers through my curly blonde hair. I was ready to go, but Bonzo obviously was not. He was laying face down on the floor, fast asleep. I told him not to drink that bottle of vodka last night, but Bonzo would never listen to me when it comes to drinking. I smiled and threw a blanket over him. I wasn't going to wake him, he would kill me if I did. I guess I was to find Kat and Jimmy alone, then.

When I opened the door to our hotel room, I spotted a huge group of people crowded around the elevator door. Hell no, I wasn't going to take my chances with them, so I had to take the stairs instead. I ducked my head, trying hide my face, as if my hair didn't give me away anyway. I heard someone shriek, "Robert!" They bustled toward me and I broke out into a sprint. Damn groupies will never let me be. I bolted down the hall to the exit door and I practically flew my way down the flight of stairs, well up until the part when I slipped and slid the rest of the way down. I landed flat on my face at the bottom of the steps. I groaned and reached for my knee which was in great pain for some reason. I looked up and saw a pair of shiny leather boots presented in front of me. "You okay down there?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I looked up, giving a second for my eyes to adjust, and saw Kat's face smiling down at me. "What happened to you, Robert?"

"Groupies," I said simply. She smiled, "Was it that crazy mob upstairs?"

"You ran into them, too?"

"More like ran from them." We both laughed and I gained my composure. "So Kat, want to go out for breakfast with me a Jimmy?" Kat looked over her shoulder to the lobby, "Jimmy just left, he went to the liquor store. I tried to stop him, but you know him and his stubborn ass." Hah, typical Jimmy. "So I guess it's just you and me," I said as I put my arm around Kat's waist. She smiled and nodded at the sudden reality. "What are you in the mood for, love?"

"Anything that isn't alcohol."

"I'm sure that we will find something." Kat rested her head on my shoulder as we headed out. When we were walking down the sidewalk, Kat looked up at me and smirked, "Let's avoid any groupies on the way."

*I dunno what I even wrote there

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