Nice Knowin You

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Robert's POV

I thought it was nice of Jimmy to teach Kat guitar, even though he didn't even give a shit when I asked him to teach me. But I ca't blame him, I did break his one and only prized possession that he would probably die for if that was what it came down to. Anyway, I was okay with it, I forgave Jimmy a long time ago.

He kept on strumming his acoustic, tuning us out. I was used to it by now, it's not like he listens to me when he is actually alert. I went over to Kat and sat on the arm of the chair that she was sitting on. "Hey, babe," I chimed.

"Do you have to call me that?"

"Sorry, I can't help it, babe." 

She rolled her eyes, "I hope they find a cure for that soon." She snickered and looked down at the strings running across the guitar in her lap. "Do you think that I will ever be good at guitar?" I looked up at Jimmy, who was still ignoring us, "You'll never be as good as him." It was harsh, but it was true. Jimmy was the best guitarist I have ever known, and trust me I have met various types of guitarists throughout my music career. But Jimmy, he was something else.

My eyes wandered over to Kat, who was gazing at Jimmy play his guitar like a mad man. I knew there was probably something going on between them, I just hadn't had the actual evidence to prove it. "Hey," I whispered. Her head snapped in my direction, her emerald eyes gleaming with wonder. I loved that about Kat, she was always curious and she was very open minded. She would always be the one to mention the bright side during a bad situation. I guess the word for that would be optimistic.

"Let's go out for dinner, darling."

"That sounds like a good idea, I'm starving." She rose from her seat and gently placed the guitar up against the wall next to the bed. "Where should we go?" I took her hand and whispered into her ear, "This is Vienna, I'm sure we will find something."

Kat's POV

It was just me and Robert, walking hand and hand down the sidewalk in Europe, could today get any better? We've been in Vienna almost four days, I thought we would be leaving by now but Jonesy got sick so we had to stay until he got better and the band could perform their next concert here. But that was fine with me, I haven't really got to see much of Europe yet, mostly because I had spent most of my time doing god-knows-what. 

As we strolled down the trail, I noticed the leaves in the trees turning that lovely shade of orange and red, they way it always did when it was fall. I didn't want summer to end, because the end of summer meant the start of school, which means college. But I had made up my mind, I wasn't going to go, I was going to stay here and spend all of my time with the guys. I have questioned my decision a few times, I had to admit, but every time Robert gives me that killer smile, it just gives me a damn good reason to stay.

I snapped out of my little daydream when I felt Robert tug on my arm. "What about there?" He was pointing to a small building with lace curtains outlining the windows and vintage tables lined outside. "It's beautiful," I thought aloud. "Well then that is where we are going to eat," he grabbed my hand and pulled me across the street. I tripped at one point when Robert was practically running, not letting go of my arm. "Wait! Slow down!" He stopped dead in his tracks, panting like a dog and his cheeks were bright red from jogging, "Oh, sorry, did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine, but you were going a bit fast there."

"I've had a lot of practice running from groupies."

"Just give me a second to catch my breath. Go on, don't let me keep you waiting."

"Are you sure? I could wait for you." Aw, that was nice of him. Robert is so patient, it was something I loved about him, but I didn't want him to waste his time. "No, just go and find us a table."

Once I regained myself, Robert was already sitting at one of the vintage tables outside. Damn, he was quick. I eventually caught up to him and plopped down in the chair across from him.

"You should really consider joining a track team or something?" He raised his eyebrows and me, "You think so?"

"Well, I don't know, if you did that you would probably have to give up music."

"Yeah, I don't think everyone will be too pleased with that."

"Myself included." There was a long and awkward pause. We just sat there silent until the waitress came to take our orders. This restaurant only had those very "interesting" types of meals. There was tripe (whatever that is), black pudding (blood sausage), and a bunch of other foods that I can't pronounce. So instead, we just ordered tea and biscuits (obviously Robert's idea), the classic British snack. Without writing it down, the waitress took our menus and left us alone. 

"I got you something," Robert said, pulling out a velvet box and waving it in my face. "Aw, you really didn't have to do that, you know."

"I know, but I wanted to, you're really important to me." On the outside I was calm, but on the inside I was screaming my head off. I took the box from his hand and gently removed the small lid from it. I almost lost my balance when I saw the twinkle of the beautiful charm bracelet lying inside. It wasn't just any ordinary charm bracelet though, each charm was the symbol for each member of Led Zeppelin. There was Jimmy's symbol, Bonzo's symbol, Jonesy's symbol, and Robert's symbol, a glittering in the bright light. It was absolutely perfect. "Look on the inside," Robert mentioned. I looked on the inside of the bracelet and saw that there was something engraved in it. I squinted at the small print and it read, If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you

I looked up at him, on the edge of crying. That was so sweet, this day could really not get any better... or so I thought. Robert smiled, "It's something you can remember us by when you are in college." My face fell, "But I'm not--" 

"Oh, yes you are."


"No matter how many times you may deny it I know that a good education is important to you, and it's important to me, too. So you are going whether you like it or not. You may kick and scream, but it is only because I love you and I want what is best for you."

I couldn't argue with that. He was right, I really did want to go to college, but even if I did agree to go, I didn't even know where I was going to attend. I haven't search for any schools yet, and I don't really have the money right now to support it. But Robert had it all covered, "Now before you say anything Kat, I sent in your resume to the University of Princeton, and they are interested in you." I was completely speechless, "Are you saying that you got me a scholarship to Princeton?"

"That's right, love."

"That is awesome! Thank you!" I got up and ran right into his waiting arms. Robert was the best! He was so sweet, what the hell did I do to deserve him?

"Now you are out of excuses. You are going to college."

"Fine, you win."


I frowned, "Wait, how did you get my resume?"

"Jonesy knows someone." I rolled my eyes. They always find a way.

*Kat is going to college!!!!!!

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