Good Times and Bad Times

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Kat's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone giggling like crazy. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jimmy, on his knees beside the couch where Robert was sound asleep. He had a can of shaving cream in his left hand and he was covering his mouth with his other hand, trying not to laugh. He shook the can and sprayed a shaving cream mountain in Robert's open palm. I snorted and Jimmy looked up, startled. He smiled and put his finger to his lips. "What are you doing?" I whispered. 


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." I sat on the edge of the bed, watching to see where this goes. Jimmy caped the shaving cream can and threw it by my feet. He then reached into his sleeve and fiddled around for a bit, until he pulled out a crisp white feather. A sly smile spread across his face and he began tickling Robert's nose with the feather. I raised my eyebrows, "Really, Jimmy? That's so immature." 

"I know," he smirked. He stopped messing around with Robert for a second and looked at me. "Damn bastard won't even move." I smiled and shook my head. Just then, Robert quickly opened his eyes and slapped his hand full of shaving cream right in Jimmy's face. Splat! My mouth fell opened as Robert fell on the floor, dying from laughter. Bonzo woke up from his small nap, saw Jimmy with his face full of shaving cream, and snorted. "Jim Jam, you look like a piece of shit." 

"SHUT UP!" Jimmy snapped. Robert was still on the floor, laughing his ass off. He rolled over on his back and pointed at Jimmy's face. "After all of those damn years that you got me, I told you I'd get revenge someday!" Jimmy glared at him, "You're dead, Percy." He pounced on Robert and he let out a loud yelp. I covered my mouth with my hand, my sides aching from laughing.

They scuffled on the ground for a moment before Robert shoved Jimmy off of him and ran, Jimmy right behind him. Robert jumped on the bed, getting tangled up in the sheets. Jimmy grabbed one of his legs, tugging and pulling. Robert snatched one of the pillows off of the bed and began beating Jimmy with it. "Guys, stop it!" Bonzo shouted. "You guys are so immature, look at you!" Robert and Jimmy stopped, realizing how childish they were acting. Robert stood up and straightened up his wrinkled shirt, while Jimmy wiped off the shaving cream from his face with his hands. "You're right," Robert looked to Jimmy, "We are mature adults." Jim nodded, still upset about the shaving cream incident. Just then, Jimmy hit Robert upside the head with his hand and ran. Robert whipped his head around and narrow his eyes at him. "Hell with maturity!" Robert started beating him with the pillow again, Jimmy holding up his hands to protect his face. 

Then, Jimmy fell backwards onto the dresser, causing a crystal vase to fall and shatter by his feet. I jumped at the loud crash, things were getting out of hand. Jimmy crawled over to the bed and quickly grabbed another pillow from the bed and began hitting Robert with it in return. It was an all out pillow fight. Jimmy swung his pillow back, knocking over a small chair behind him. Robert shrieked and ran away as fast as he could. Jimmy darted towards him, showing no mercy in his eyes. Robert ran across the bed, tripping on one of my legs and landing face first the couch, sending the orange cushions flying. 

Bonzo was fed up and stormed right over to Jimmy. Just then Robert hurled his pillow towards Jimmy's face. He laughed and ducked just in time, letting the pillow hit Bonzo right in the face. Bonzo narrowed his eyes and smirked, accepting the challenge. He charged towards Robert like a bull and tackled him. He beat Robert's head with the soft pillow, laughing his head off as he did it. Jimmy started hitting the back of Bonzo's head, giggling like a little girl. 

What the hell, I might as well join them. I snatched that last pillow right off the bed and slapped Jimmy in the back with it. He turned around and hit me in the stomach in return. We were both giggling uncontrollably as Jonesy walked in on our little tussle. Everything stopped and all heads turned to him. I expected him to faint or yell or something, since he was always a perfectionist. "Guys, what the hell are you doing?" 

"Hey, we are just having a little fun," Bonzo launched the pillow at Jonesy's head, striking him in the face. He shook his head and smirked. "Two can play that game." He bolted towards Bonzo, jumping on him and shouting. Bonzo was laughing like crazy, snatching the pillow back from Jonesy. The party was back on. Helpless Jonesy was the main target, since he had nothing to defend himself. We all started beating him and he held up his arms, laughing and telling us to stop. He weaseled his way out of the crazy group and grabbed the can of shaving cream laying on the ground. "Hey Robert!" Robert turned around. "Eat this!" Jonesy sprayed the can right in his face, sending him backwards onto the shagged carpet. I tackled Jonesy onto the bed and shoved the pillow in his face. Jonesy tried to spray me too, but I blocked his shot with my hand. Jimmy held out his hand and helped Robert back to his feet. Then that little traitor slapped him in the face with his pillow and Robert shoved him to the ground. He swung his pillow back, ready to strike him again. He slammed the pillow as hard as he could, right into Robert's left shoulder. The pillow ripped open, feathers spilling everywhere. This went from a hotel room to a life sized snow globe, but we didn't stop.

Jimmy started blowing feathers into Robert's face while he tried to swat them away. Bonzo latched onto Jimmy's feet and dragged him towards the couch. Jimmy grabbed one of the stray orange cushions laying on the floor and launched it in Bonzo's face. We all couldn't stop laughing. Just then, there was a loud knock at the door, and the world stopped for a moment. I turned to Jonesy, my worry reflected in his eyes. Jimmy dragged himself to the door and slowly turned the door handle. There stood a tall blond man with a dark suit on. I remember him from somewhere. He was the man behind the desk downstairs in the lobby. Holy shit we were dead. His eyes widened at the feathers floating gracefully in the air. He looked down at the carpet, covered in shattered glass and shaving cream. His face was red with anger and his eyes were flaming. 

As we were loading ourselves into the limo, Peter stood there, his eyes just as angry as the man from before. When we all got in, he slammed the car door behind us. The blond man came out and he exchanged some words with Peter, but they were speaking too softly for me to hear anything. When he got into the front seat, he turned to us, a disappointed look on his face. "How many times have I told you... don't wreck the hotel rooms, it will ruin your fucked up reputation!" 

"Hey, we were just having some fun, relax," Robert said, slouched in his seat.

"Yeah? Well you know who has to pay for that 'fun'?" Peter sneered, staring us down. I glanced at Jimmy and saw him trying to hold back a smile. Peter was too upset with us to even speak anymore and he turned back around. We all looked at each other and burst out in laughter. "That was awesome!" I said. "Welcome to our crazy world," Bonzo said, looking at his fellow band mates. I knew that this was only the beginning and that there was was way more insane adventures to come.

*This was a filler so sorry if it was kinda boring and super confusing with all the action

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