Just Keep Ramblin On

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Jimmy's POV

After Peter lectured the shit out of us, we all just started laughing like we were high or something, which we probably were. Bonzo looked at me, "So, now what?" I just shrugged. Honestly, I had no idea what was next."Let's go to a bar," I suggested. "NO!" everyone shouted in unison, even Kat. I folded my arms, "Dammit," Usually, when we were kicked out of hostels, we would go sight seeing. Yes, we were tourists, I had to admit, but there was nothing to really see in New York. Seen this, done that, that sort of thing. Jonesy motioned towards Kat, "Do you know anything interesting to do around here?" He nearly read my mind. "Well, what do you guys like to do?"

"Drink," I muttered under my breath.


Robert threw his head back and groaned, "I could go for breakfast right now." Jonesy's ears perked up, "Did I hear someone say breakfast?" Breakfast did sound great, although in my opinion, everything tasted like crap with the after taste of Jack Daniels in the back of your throat. "There's a really good diner around the corner here, we could go there." Robert smiled, "You're the tour guide."

I peeked out the window and saw that we were pulling into the parking lot for the Pearl Street Diner. Jonesy was practically bouncing up and down in his seat, I've never seen anyone so fucking excited for food. Bonzo was thinking the same thing, "Jonesy, when was the last time you ate?" Jonesy punched him in the arm, but he ended up hurting his own hand because he was no match for Bonzo. 

We piled out of the cramp limo and slipped through the door, where we were greeted by a young girl with long red hair and pale blue eyes. Robert smiled like a charming English gentleman and held out his hand to shake her hand. He was really too nice sometimes. "How many?" 


"Okay, follow me." We follow the bird to a small circle table with a clean white tablecloth. She gently placed the menus on the table, as if they were glass. "I'll be right back." She rushed out of the room and we all sat down at the small table. My knees could barely fit under the table, which really bothered me. "Robert..."



"It's still no."


"I love you too, Jim Jam." I hated that nick name, but it was my own fault for letting it stick.  Robert held the menu close to his face, trying to read the small print. "Jimmy..."

"No." I smirked, letting the karma sink in. 


"Yeah, Percy?"

"Have you seen my reading glasses?"


"I can never find them." Kat tapped him on the shoulder. "Are they grey with black frames?" Robert looked suspiciously at her. "Yes." Kat smiled and held out her hand, Robert's glasses in the palm of her hand. "Sorry, but I saw them on the floor when we were leaving the hotel, and I wasn't just gonna leave them." She winked and he gave her a warm smile. Am I missing something here?

The young redhead walked in on our small conversation, with a blue pen and small notebook clutched in her hand. She claimed her name was Alice, even though she looked like an Olivia, but then again I'm usually wrong. Jonesy spoke up, "Could I have some french toast with a side of sausage, hot tea, toast with jam, and a small bowl of fruit." We all looked at him like he was crazy. "What?" Bonzo squinted his eyes and tilted his head, "Could you come home with me Jonesy? You could be our human garbage disposal! Jason would love it." 

"Hysterical," Jonesy said sarcastically, and Bonzo scolded. Robert didn't want another fight to break out, "Anyway.... I'm not very hungry anymore, so I'll just a small bowl of fruit with a small decaf coffee." Alice nodded, scribbling away in her notebook, then glanced at Kat. Kat nodded and Alice continued to scribble things down in her little notebook. She turned to Robert, who had a puzzled look on his face. "They know me," she whispered. Then it was my turn to order, "Do you guys have booze?" Then I felt a sharp kick in my shin and I winced. I glared at Robert, who was biting the bottom of his lip. "Don't answer that," Bonzo murmured. I rolled my eyes, "I'll just have a coffee." 

Bonzo cleared his throat, "I'll have a small stack of blueberry pancakes with bacon." When Alice left the room, we all continued bickering. "What the hell was that for?" 

"Why the hell would you ask for booze at 10 in the bleeding morning?"

"Because I can..."

"Oh that's mature."

"Oh that's mature," I mocked. We all kept fighting, it never seeming to stop. I heard a loud thud and felt the table shake. I looked up and saw Kat with a pissed look on her face. "I swear to god guys I am fed up with you arguing like fucking two year olds! This shit seriously needs to stop, now." Wow, I was actually surprised about what she said. Kat really wasn't the kind of person who would be pissed off and set you straight. Apparently, I wasn't the only one surprised. Robert just sat there wide-eyed and staring straight at Kat like she just slapped him in the face. "Where did that come from?" 

"Sorry, but I just had to get it out there." Kat had a nervous look on her face. Bonzo threw his head back and laughed, "Look what you've done to this poor innocent bird, Jimmy."

"Who me?"

"Yes, you."

"I did nothing to her."

"Doubt it." 

"He did nothing," Kat reassured. Bonzo smirked, "Just wait." I smiled to myself. She won't know what hit her. 

The food finally came after what felt like years. When Alice passed the food around to everyone, my mouth watered. I regret not ordering any food. Jonesy was scarfing down his french toast when I tapped him on the shoulder and made up a fake story in my head. "Jonesy, why don't you ask Peter if he wants any food?"

"Why don't you do it?"

"Because it's... so far away." 

"Ugh, fine. You're such a baby." He got up from his seat and hurried out of the room. I eyed his food and helped myself to his buffet. I ate a small piece of toast, a few grapes from the bowl of fruit, and two sausages. "Oh, give me some." Robert reached his hand for a piece of toast, but I slapped it and waved it away. He smiled, "It's fine. If Jonesy found my fingerprints on that, he would probably tear me to shreds." Jonesy was always over protective about his food, so if you were caught, you were dead.

 I was just finishing my last piece of toast when Jonesy walked back in. Luckily, he didn't catch me eating his precious meal, thank god. I was praying that he wouldn't notice the missing food, but my prayers weren't answered. "Where the hell did all of my food go?" I took a sip of my coffee, fighting the smile that was shining through. "Who knows?"

Thank god, Jonesy didn't have another tantrum this time, mostly because he knew he wasn't going to finish it anyway, so I was doing him a favor. 

I heard giggling and looked up. I saw Robert and Kat smiling stupidly at each other. Kat whispered something in his ear and he snickered. What... the... bloody... hell. I was never really jealous of Robert before, but now that I am, I hate it. Kat was mine and we both knew that as a fact. She was mine and nobody else's.

Kat was teasing Robert as she stole a strawberry from his bowl of fruit and popped it in her mouth. All she could do was laugh at the little puppy face he made every time she did that. Robert leaned in on her, inches away from her face. He breathed something into her ear and she closed her eyes, cherishing every word. I was so angry at him. How could he just do this right in front of me, like I wasn't even there. My eyes flared with anger and I couldn't contain myself. I was about to kick Robert in the shin with my foot, as hard as I could. I felt guilty, then, regretting the thought. I mean, they were a cute couple, but I hated to say it. Even if I did get her, I would probably forget all about her the next day, but still. I  was debating with myself if I should pull away. I knew the answer when I saw how happy she was. I wasn't gonna make a move on her yet, I was waiting for the perfect moment...

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