Hey, How's it Going

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Kat's POV

All I could say was wow. I was really glad that I decided to stay, I would have really regretted it if I have left. Listening to their vinyl albums was one thing, but hearing them perform in person was breathtaking. I knew every song they sang and sang along to most of them. The entire experience was awesome, but the part I can't stop thinking about was when I noticed that Robert Plant was looking directly at me. He had this dreamy look on his face, like he was high or something (which he probably was). But why would he look at me when there were so many other people out there to look into. I bet he wasn't even looking at me, probably someone behind me or something. But just to think about it brought a smile to my face. 

When the concert ended, I felt a little sad inside, but I was filled with joy and excitement because I got to see this tonight. I knew that I would never forget it. I closed my eyes and moments from the concert replayed in my head, even the part when I thought I saw Robert looking at me. When I snapped back into reality, I took a quick glance at the time. Oh my lord, it was almost 1 o'clock! Oh well, I guess it was worth it, right?

I wondered my way into the halls, trying to find my way out. Fuck, I think I was lost. I tried to remember the way that I came in, but all I could remember was the concert. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a layout of the building hanging in a large frame on the wall. Oh thank god. I rushed up to it and tried to the best of my abilities to try and read it. It was almost impossible to try and read the damn thing. I tried squinting my eyes and tilting my head slightly, but that didn't work. I began to panic a little. I looked to my right and saw a long hallway that seemed familiar, it could possibly be the way out. But then I looked to my left and say the same hallway. Everything looked the same around here. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I just kept telling myself, "You'll find your way out of this." 

I continued wondering the halls, making my plan up as I went. I then spotted a door all the way at the end of the hall. I ran to it, praying that it wasn't a storage closet or a bathroom. The door didn't have a label on it. I was still curious about what was on the other side. It wasn't locked after all, so I decided to take the chance and see where this leads me. I wrapped my hand around the doorknob and opened it. My mouth fell open at what I saw. 

The first thing I see if a set of dark grey eyes looking back at me. Those eyes belonged to Jimmy Page. I inhaled sharply and turned around to leave. I didn't get very far before I heard his voice. "Don't go, love." I looked up and saw him smiling at me. He motioned me over. "Hang out with us for a while." I nervously stepped forward and closed the door behind me. "Are you sure you want me here?" I then heard a familiar voice beside me say, "I think the question is, are you sure?" I looked to my left and saw Robert. Gold curls framing his face and his sky blue eyes seeing right through me. Holy shit. I had to be dreaming. There was no way this was possibly happening. 

Jimmy motioned for me to sit next to him again. I hesitated, "I really must be going."

"Must you?"

And that got me thinking. Do I really have to go and leave this opportunity behind? I mean, my parents haven't gone looking for me yet, so why not? So I gave in, practically flying across the room to him and sat down on the couch across from him. As I sat down, I noticed that he had a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels clutched in his hand. Jimmy was known for his crazy addiction to drugs and alcohol, it wasn't really my thing though. He then began speaking to me, slurring his words. "So, love, what brings you here?" 

"I was trying to find my way out of this place and somehow wondered in here."

"Well, you came to the right place, love."

"Don't call me love."

"Okay, babe." He smirked and I couldn't help but smile. "What's your name, then?" I heard Robert say in a hushed tone. Should I tell them? I guess it wouldn't hurt if I did. "My name is Katherine, but I liked to be called Kat." Jimmy smiled and repeated the name over and over again as if he liked the feeling of it on the tip of his tongue, "Kat, Kat, Kat..."

Jimmy's POV 

She was one of the prettiest birds I've seen, at least I thought so, I couldn't really tell because my eyes were giving out on me again. I could tell that Robert agreed. He wouldn't stop staring at her. It's like she put some spell on him or some psyched up shit. But to be fair, I did see her first. 

Jonesy and Bonzo then barged into the room, not aware of our guest. Bonzo had a bottle of whiskey in his hand, laughing at something Jonesy was whispering to him. They were drunk, I could tell how they were swaying every time they took a step forward. I knew the feeling.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Robert asked. Bonzo didn't say anything because he couldn't stop laughing at whatever the hell was so funny, so Jonesy spoke up. "We were at the bar across the street getting some shots, not bad I must say." My ears perked up. "There's a bar?" Bonzo smiled, "Yeah, come on lets go." He pointed to the door and I just couldn't say no. Robert frowned, "But you just got back from there, I don't think that's such a good idea." I rolled my eyes at he remark and I went over to Bonzo, looping my arm around him to keep him steady. "Lead the way my friend."

Robert's POV 

Jimmy struggled to open the door, probably drunk again. I didn't really think it was a good idea to go and mess himself up more, but even if I tried to stop him he wouldn't listen, he never did. Jonesy, Bonzo, and Jimmy slipped through the half open door and ran down the hall like a stampede of jackasses. Those crazy bastards would probably come back by morning, like they always did. 

I glanced over at Kat, with her feet up on the coffee table. She had a worn out red leather notebook opened in her hands. I chuckled, "Comfortable?" 

She looked up at me and gave me the prettiest smile, "Couldn't be better." 

I got up and walked over to the opened whiskey bottle that Bonzo left behind and poured myself a glass. I looked at Kat over my shoulder, "You drink, love?" She rolled her eyes at the name that suddenly stuck and shrugged, "Wouldn't hurt." i got another glass from the small cabinet and filled that one until it couldn't take it anymore. And handed it to her and raised my glass, "Cheers."

I took a sip of the drink, not taking my eyes off of her. Where have I seen her before? She did seem familiar. She noticed me staring and raised her eyebrows, confused. "Something wrong?"

I shook my head and put the glass back down on the table. "No... but could I ask you a question?" 


"This may sound strange but did you happen to be watching the concert from backstage?" I instantly knew the answer by the look on her face. She put her notebook over her face, trying to hide her smile. "Possibly," she teased, "How did you know?" I didn't tell her that I saw her and just shrugged. "I know everything." I turned away, not letting her see the sly grin on my face.

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