Four Years Gone

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4 years later...

Kat's POV

College has been incredible, I am so glad I didn't pass this up. I was on the plane, flying to Norway which was where Robert said they would be touring when I would come back. I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat. I was trying so hard not to jump up and scream my head off, so people wouldn't think I was high or something. I still can't get over how long it has been since I had seen Zeppelin. Let's see, I left 1973 and it was currently 1977. Damn, four years! I'm surprised I haven't come crawling back crying when I left. I have called Robert earlier today, letting him know I would be at the airport at exactly 2:30. It was so nice to hear his voice again, it really has been way too long. 

I felt the plane slow down, which meant we have finally landed! Still trying my best not to scream, I peeked out the window and pressed my face up against the glass, like a little kid in a candy store. I could almost picture it, me walking out of the terminal, rushing into Robert's arms and him kissing me the way he used to. Wait... Robert! Oh god, I almost forgot about the little scene between me and Jimmy right before I left. I was almost sure I love him more than Jimmy, but was there even such a thing? Ugh great, now I just want to crawl up into a ball and hide. I couldn't face Robert or Jimmy, not now, not today. But I had to, whether I liked it or not, I had to face this... today.

I got up and crept down the aisle towards the glowing exit sign. Keep going, I kept on telling myself. I had to get this over with, it was now or never. I scuffled down the terminal and took a deep breath before presenting myself. I walked out and searched the entire room until my eyes spotted a head of curly blonde curls facing away from me. I didn't see the face, but I knew it had to be Robert. 

I sneaked up from behind him and tapped his shoulder. He whipped his head around, his hair flying everywhere. His blue eyes widened at the sight of me and he wrapped his arms around me, greeting me in an embrace. I could feeling him smiling as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "It's been so long without you, love," he whispered into my ear. I guess Jimmy didn't tell him about us, yet. I was relieved, I thought he would be furious. He pulled away and leaned in to kiss me. When he pulled away he sighed, "You have no idea how much I missed that." I felt my heart beat a little faster. I had been away from him so long that I forgot how I felt when I was with him, how butterflies always fluttered in my stomach when he called my name, how he would always smile at me when I looked his way, how he used to say that he loved me. 

"Where is everyone else?" He took my hand, "This way, they will be thrilled when they see you." I smiled, imagining Bonzo jumping up when he saw me and how Jonesy would hug me and begging me to tell him everything that happened over the years. And Jimmy, well I don't know how he will react. Maybe he doesn't even remember the kiss, maybe he hated it. I'm just going to push it aside and deal with it when it comes up.

Robert led me to the entrance where the guys were waiting. Bonzo was sitting on the curb with Jonesy leaning up against him. I loved the relationship between them, it was so mutual. Jimmy was leaning up against the wall, sunglasses shielding his face, and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Bonzo turned around at the sound of our footsteps and his face beamed. "Kitty Kat!" He shot up and hugged me so hard that he lifted me up into the air. Jonesy walked over to me, chill as can be, giving me a warm smile. When Bonzo backed away, however, Jonesy welcomed me with a huge hug that was even bigger than Bonzo's. "You're back! You're back!" he chimed, "You have to tell me everything, don't leave a single detail out!" Did I call that or what?

I glance  over at Jimmy, who hasn't moved since I've got here. "Hello, there," I sang like a little bird. He smiled, "It's great to see you again, darling. You look great." I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "Thanks, same to you." He looked down at his feet, "Yeah, I know." I giggled and shook my head. I'm glad to see that nothing has really changed between us. 

Jimmy's POV

I was so happy that Kat was back, I guess that I didn't let it show, though. When I saw her walk through those doors, I felt my heart lift a little bit. Like a huge weight was lift off my shoulders. But when I saw that she was with Robert, my heart sank right back down again. As if someone had threw a brick at my face (yes, that painful). I could never forget that kiss that Kat gave to me. It was something I held onto when she was away. It wasn't just some meaningless kiss that other girls would give me and then I would never see them again. It was a real kiss, but I suppose it meant nothing to her judging by her interaction with Robert at the moment.

When we were in the limo, Jonesy begged Kat to share about her educational experience. I didn't want to hear it, but I also didn't want to hear Jonesy barking the entire time, so I just told her to say something so he would shut up. She went on and on about the campus and her dorm room and her irritating roommate who insisted on listening to Beethoven and Mozart and people like that. I chuckled when she said that her roommate threw all of Kat's Rolling Stones records out in the hall. Occasionally she would glance on my direction when she mentioned all of those college parties that they would throw, giving me that you had to be there look. I guess I would have fun at one of those parties, as long as they had Jack Daniels. 

Kat would always look in Robert's direction, though, giving him that cute smile that she had given to me that day she left for college. I know it was four years ago, but I remember it as if it was yesterday. How could I forget it? It was one of the best kisses I have ever had, and believe me I have kissed a lot of people. But Kat was different, when she would always be true to her word and she always found a way to bring a smile to my face, even when I was in the greatest of pain. I loved Kat, if only I knew she felt the same about me.

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