She's Just A Woman

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Robert's POV

I didn't think she was actually going to say yes to the tour. I'm so happy, more than I have been in a while. I felt something special between us, I wasn't going to just leave it here in this big city and move on like I did with the others groupies.

When the song came to a close, I tugged on Kat's arm and led her to the table where the guys were hanging out. "She said yes!" I shouted. Bonzo shot up and gave her a huge hug. I smirked as I watched her wince in pain, Bonzo was the one to give tight hugs. Jonesy smiled and joined the hugging fest. Before I knew it, I was hugging along with them. Jonesy held out his and to Jim, "Come on, Jimmy."

"No thanks." He got up from his seat and trudged over to the bar. Kat looked at me with a worried look on her face. That damn bastard, what the hell was wrong with him now? "I'll go talk to him," I whispered to her. I disbanded from the group and went over the Jimmy.


"Not now, Robert."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Robert just leave me alone."

"James, now you listen to me. You better snap out of wherever this bratty attitude is coming from. Now I'm waiting for an answer. What's wrong?"

He glared at me and sighed reluctantly. "You're gonna hurt her."

"Who? Kat?"

"Yes, Robert. You're gonna hurt her just like you hurt every other girl you get involved with."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't try to act innocent Robert, we both know it is gonna happen. You're gonna have a thing with her for a while and then out of nowhere, you just drop her, and she will never hear from you again."

"You're exaggerating, Jimmy."

"Am I? Do you remember Sara?"


"That's what I thought."

"Why do you care so much about if I hurt her?" There was a long pause, until Jimmy spoke up again. 

"Just don't hurt her..."

"I won't."

"I trust you, Percy." 

I smiled, "Thanks Jim Jam."

*Super short I know, but I this was just another fill in because I have another case of writer's block

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