Is It Just Too Soon to Say

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Kat's POV

Your life is like a roller coaster. So many twists and turns, you'll never know where you'll end up in the end. Well, my life was just like that. It felt like it was yesterday, I was sitting outside of Madison Square Garden. Now, I'm sitting here with Jimmy Page, who just asked me to marry him.

I sat there in disbelief, trying to take in what he just said. "Um, Jimmy? Are you feeling well?" I placed the back of my hand on his forehead to take his temperate, but he felt just fine. He chuckled, "I'm serious, Kat. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Are you sure this isn't about something else?"

"No, I promise." I gave him a side eyed stare, like I was trying to read his mind. Something was up. No way he would just pop the question out of no where. Something or someone was forcing him into this. 

"Jimmy, what's wrong?"


"I won't give you an answer until you tell me what's bothering you." He sat there, stone faced. His skin was as pale as a sheet. I carefully tucked a piece of his charcoal colored hair behind his ear. "You can tell me," I whispered. He sighed and closed his eyes, "I didn't want to tell you this but..."

"But what?"

"Richard and Peter don't want you here. They think you are a distraction."


"I know. I tried everything in my power to convince them to let you stay, but they wouldn't budge." I could see tears forming in his eyes. I've only seen him cry once before, and that was when I left to go to college. I small tear trickled down his cheek, which broke my heart. He sniffed, "I-I just don't want to lose you." He reached for my hand and squeezed it tight. "The only way they'll know that I'm not going to give you up, is if we get married right now."

"Oh Jimmy, don't cry. It's all going to be okay." I wiped the tear from his face and stroked his cheek with the back of my hand.

"Kat, I know I'm not the best guy for you, and I don't really deserve you, but it would me the world to me if you would marry me." I held a gaze with him for awhile, thinking about how I should respond. I thought back to when I first met Jim. I remember wandering into the dressing room and locking eyes with him. I remember the first time he said I love you. I remember the tears in his eyes that day at the airport. I remember the look on his face when he saw me at the hospital. I had more than enough reasons to marry him. He loved me, and I loved him. what I had with Robert wasn't anything close to this. I took in the moment, trying to remember this day forever, like a magical brain tattoo. I let out a breath and looked deep into his eyes, piecing together my courage. 

"Yes. I'll marry you."

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