All of My Love

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Jimmy's POV

I watched Kat get into the limo with Robert. I accepted the fact that he wanted her, even though I was pretty sure how it was going to end. But Robert was right, why did I care? Well, the truth is, I had feelings for her. But Robert already called Kat his, so I had no choice but to back off.

Bonzo came and tapped on the window. I rolled down the window while he poked his head in. "Jimmy, get away from that steering wheel before you kill us all." I rolled my eyes, "For your information Bonzo, I do know how to drive."

"Yeah, but you have had almost the whole bottle of my Jack Daniels."

"Pfft, it's not that bad. I can drive."

"Humor me." I sighed and unwillingly climbed into the backseat, next to Kat. "I'm guessing things didn't go very well," she said glancing over the the driver's seat. "Bonzo is too safe sometimes."

"Safe is good sometimes."

"Yeah, but not this time." 

Kat's POV

I was thrilled to be on the road with them, if only we would be on the road already. "Jonesy! Hurry up!" I called. "One second!" Jimmy whispered into Robert's ear, "Probably doing his nails again." Jonesy opened the car door and plopped down next to Bonzo. "Well excuse me for caring about my nails." Jonesy held up his hand to my face, "Aren't they nice?" Jimmy shook his head, "Nah, you can see your face in them." Bonzo snorted and Robert tried to hide his grin with his long golden curls. "You guys are too much."

It was about an hour to the airport where the Starship was stationed. I have seen pictures of Zeppelin's plane, but I couldn't wait to actually see it in person. Pinch me now.

I haven't really seen the country part of New York, so I was really surprised when I saw all of the open fields and clear blue skies. Whenever we passed a group of cattle, Robert and Bonzo would roll down the window and moo at them, sometimes the cows would moo back, too.

We were all bored out of our minds for most of the trip, and we weren't even halfway there yet. So, I decided to take out my notebook for a while and sketch the scenery. The only flaw was that I couldn't find my notebook. I couldn't have possibly left it at home, I take my notebook everywhere, and plus I remember having it at the concert. Wait, the concert. Could it be there?Oh no. 

I tapped Robert n the shoulder and he turned to me immediately. "What's wrong, love?"

"Have you seen my notebook anywhere?" Robert's eyes widened. "Does it have red tattered leather?"

"Yeah." Robert nervously rubbed the back of his neck, and I grew suspicious. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm sorry Kitty Kat, but I think I may have left it at the concert."

"You... did... what?"

"I'm really sorry, love. Maybe it's still there, we could go check."

"But you'll be late for the plane."

"You mean more to me than that, darling." Those words sank deep into my soul. Nobody has ever said something that sweet about me before. Like I said, it made me feel really special. 

Peter was really pissed off when Robert told him about the whole notebook fiasco. He said no about a thousand times, but when Robert gave him those irresistible puppy dog eyes, Peter finally gave in. 

Peter said that it wasn't worth it to bring the entire band along with us, so he insisted that we take a cab ourselves. "If that is what is takes," Robert stated. They dropped us off at the curb and took off without a second to lose. I glanced over at Robert who was trying to hail a cab. "You don't have to do this you know."

"But I want to. I hate to see you sad an upset." A small smile began to curl on his lips. Did he really mean that?

Just then, a small yellow cab pulled up in front of us and we piled in right away. "Where to?"

"Madison Square Garden, and step on it please."

We were at the massive stadium in a wink. "Thanks," I said as I handed the driver some money. We rushed in past the weak security and went to the dressing room where Led Zeppelin was a few nights before. It was just as we had left it, except for one thing. I walked over to the small nightstand and pointed to it. "It was there."

"Ok, start looking then." We were on our hands and knees, searching the entire room. We looked under tables, behind furniture, in between couch cushions, but no notebook was found. We were about to give up until...

"Kat, look!" Robert pointed to a small pile of ripped up pieces of paper and torn red leather. I practically fell to my knees. I promised myself I wouldn't cry. Those were the poor remains to my precious notebook, the one I had for almost four years now. I went through the pile of shredded notebook paper to find anything that was spared, but everything was in ruins. It was getting harder to swallow as I tried to blink back my tears. "Kat?" I turned to Robert, who had a folded piece of paper lying in his hands. I carefully took the paper and unfolded it. There, presented right in front of me, was the drawing that I drew of Madison Square Garden, on the night of the concert. 

I folded up the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. Robert spoke to me in a hushed tone, "I'm really sorry, Kat. This is all my fault."

"No, it's not. You did nothing wrong."

"But I'm the one that left your notebook here," he looked down guiltily at his feet, "I understand it if you hate me now."

I leaned in closer, "I could never hate you, never in a million years." He looked up, tears in the corner of his beautiful blue eyes. "Really?"

"Duh." He smiled at the childish statement and gave me a hug. We stood here, holding each other for a while. I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world. "Kitty Kat?" Robert whispered in my ear. "Yeah, Robert?"

"Do you love me?" I needed a moment to process that.


He let go of me to face me. "Forget it..." I smiled, "I can't forget a question like that..." 

"I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"Don't be... because the answer is yes."

"Well that's good news because I honestly feel the same way about you." I couldn't believe what he was saying. I was beyond shocked.

"You do?"

"Read my lips." He leaned in to kiss me and I gingerly kissed him back. I have been dreaming of something like this for a while, but I never thought it would actually come true. 

When he pulled away, I stood there memorized. He tucked my long brown hair behind my ear put his arm around my waist. "Lets go."

*I know this isn't the best kissing scene, but there is no cure for writer's block

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