Dungeon Chapter 48 - Turn It Off & On Again

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 ...back into the hall. A shaky echo bounced down the hall, "A-are you ok?"

Despite the stutter, Link recognized Wudhi's voice. He called back, "We're fine. Knocked out a decent chuck of the vine."

"Is that what all the shaking was about?"

"Yeah," Link called back. "Is there anything noticeable changed down there?"

"Sh-should there by, Mr. Hero?"

Link continued down to the end of the hall. At the far end, he saw Wudhi and Mismawn peering around the corner. "We were hoping that might have shaken the building a bit. Opened up another wall."

"Link!" Saruo called from behind him. Link turned to see her pointing at one of the other rooms in the temple. "This room is empty now."

Quickly jogging over to the window Saruo was pointing at, Link put his face up to the glass. Sunlight poured into the room, showing a number of Wardens now strewn across the ground where they had been thrown. There were two pools of water, which had turn green at some point. What purpose the room served, Link had no idea.

Placing his hand on the glass, Link tilted his head. "How did this glass not break?"

"Thank you, Hero, because we don't want to use this temple again once it's restored," Saruo replied, her tongue barbed.

"Would have made getting in easier is all," Link said, pulling the door handle. The door swung open, before falling off its hinges towards Link. The Hylian braced, sliding back at the weight of a stone door careening towards him. Grabbing the edges, Link dropped down to his knees, before shoving the door off to the side.

Saruo watched as Link stood back up. "That property destruction good enough?"

Link sighed and walked through the open door frame. "Do you know what this room was used for?"

"I'd guess something with water," Saruo answered, floating over to the pool. She dropped down, leaning over the water. "We know what the Greenhouse was used for, but not how it was used. You should stop asking for specifics about it."

"What did the forest dwellers do before the Greenhouse?"

"Left seed pods out in the sun until they hatched. That usually attracted skulltulas though," Saruo explained, poking the water.

Link looked around. There wasn't any kind of indication of what the room was for. No signs or text. Link wondered if maybe this was where the humidity for the Greenhouse was produced, since the forest surrounding them wasn't this humid.

From the hall, Link could hear Wudhi, Mismawn, and Kephe bringing the seed pod towards them. Wudhi asked from the doorway, "Link, is it normal for you to not encounter any monsters like this in temples?"

"Not really," Link answered, turning towards the small totem of forest dwellers. "But it's possible that Ganondorf didn't see any real threat coming from the woods and so he didn't really put much here to guard the Greenhouse."

"Or maybe we just can't see it," Saruo grumbled. As she said it, a ripple went over the pools. Saruo jumped back, floating back up into the air. "That wasn't me."

Link's hand went to the Master Sword's hilt. He studied the room, looking for anything else shifting. A breeze or an opening to explain the movement. Even with the open windows, there was nothing.

Hand still on his sword, Link continued to look around the room. It seemed a vine had formerly barreled its way through one of this room's wall, as the wall to the left of the door had a hole in it. At least, on this side of the wall. Link crouched down in front of the space, tilting his head to look at the gap. There was another large vine on the other side, with a gap where another vine must have been. It made a small crawl space, large enough that Link thought he could slip through on his stomach.

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