Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: reservation


Angela drove her surprisingly silent car across the streets, stopping at the light as it turned red. We had been talking on and off about different subjects since we'd left her house, like our relationships, Forks itself, the school and other normal things. She even inquired a little bit about my family, though her questions were subtle and basic ones. I could understand why she was so curious, considering how mysterious the Cullens tended to act around others. We were currently talking about La Push and what it was like. When she asked me if I'd been to any beaches, I had to admit to her that I hadn't.

"So this is your first beach trip ever?" Angela asked, slightly taken aback.

I shrugged. "Well, yes and no. I mean, it's my first trip to a beach with, er, friends and all. I think I've been to La Push before, maybe, but I can't remember. It's been too long. I think the last time I was here was when I was a little kid."

Angela looked perplexed. "I didn't know you used to live here."

I internally kicked myself for that. Then again, I wasn't sure how far the Cullens' elaborate lie extended. As far as I knew, they only covered how I'd come into the family and nothing more, so maybe I could get away with saying a bit more without any consequences. If anything, someone would have mentioned it if they felt it was important. So why not?

"Yeah, I did," I admitted. Angela seemed like a trustworthy person. I'd asked Edward about her before and he said that she had very "pure" thoughts. "I used to live here for a few years with my...parents...before they divorced and we moved away."

I had forgotten how hard it was to say that word when I wasn't referring to Carlisle and Esme, who in my eyes, were my parents and were always meant to be my parents. That's how I saw it, at least. Renee and Charlie had nothing on the two of them in my world. Nothing.

"I see," Angela murmured. She was clearly curious and wanted to know more, but she wasn't the type to brazenly throw out questions at me. That was something I liked about her, she respected my privacy and wouldn't ever ask me anything that she felt would invade it.

"You can ask if you'd like, Angela," I said softly.

Angela bit her lip. "So your parents...your, um, ex-parents, I mean. What were they like?"

I sighed. "I hated my mother and she never cared much for me. She used to verbally abuse me all the time, telling me I was worthless and I would never be able to get anywhere with my life. My father still lives here in Forks. He never showed me any sort of love back then, but now he says he's willing to try and make amends. I'm not sure about it, yet, but I've decided to give him a chance, at the very least. Then again, it's more because of his friendship with Carlisle that I'm doing it. I'm not holding my breath on him."

She nodded in understanding. "May I ask who your birth father is?"

I hesitated for a moment before deciding it was okay to tell her. "Charlie Swan," I replied. I winced as I said the name, since it reminded me too much of how things used to be.

Angela gasped. "The police chief?" I nodded. "Wow. That's...interesting. My parents are good friends with him and they mentioned that he had a daughter. I never thought that it'd be you, no offense or anything."

"I don't consider myself his daughter any more. He lost that privilege years ago and it's way too late for that to change," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I understand," Angela said, nodding. "Oh, we're almost there."

I glanced out the window to see that we were driving on a dirt path now, the beach a few miles ahead. The clouds, for the most part, were gone now, allowing for the warm rays of sunlight to pour down on everything. I had to open my window because the car was starting to get stuffy, which was not something I was used to.

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