Chapter 66

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Chapter 66: You



Alice kissed the top of my head as she set the picnic basket down on my lap. She opened it up to reveal a myriad of different things, including a few plastic containers, a sandwich, a bag of my favorite kind chips and a bottle of what I believed to be a smoothie of some kind. I did not fail to notice the smiley faces pasted onto them.

"You made all of this?" I asked, though I knew the answer already. Nobody else, other than maybe Esme, would put smiley faces all over the inside of a picnic basket. That was screaming Alice at me.

Alice giggled and tapped my nose. "Esme helped a little bit, but yes, I did."

I reached down and pulled out the sandwich, testing it by sniffing it at first. If anything, it was just to annoy Alice, which I was successful in doing. Her brows furrowed and she crossed her arms petulantly, sticking out her bottom lip in that oh-so adorable manner I loved.

She huffed. "Just eat your stinky sandwich, damn it. I didn't poison it or anything." I snickered and kissed her cheek, which erased the pout on her face, then bit down on the sandwich. It wasn't bad. I mean, it's a sandwich, there's very few ways that someone, even Alice, could ruin a sandwich. Alice nuzzled into my neck. "Is it okay?"

I nodded. "It's fine," I replied.

Alice leaned in with her mouth open and for a moment I thought she might take a bite of the sandwich. Instead, she breathed on it, allowing her sweet scented breath to be absorbed by the otherwise plain food that I was eating. After a minute and a half she closed her mouth and smirked at me. I was about to thank her, but she pressed her lips to mine before I could.

I moaned as she snaked her tongue out of her mouth and twirled it around mine for a short time, allowing me the chance to taste her. So good...

"You're welcome," she replied when she broke away. "Oh, and one more thing."

"What's tha-?"

Alice opened her mouth and let loose a burst of her breath directly on my face. My nostrils flared as I absorbed the heavenly burst of flavor and I nearly blacked out from it. My brain turned to mush and it took me a few minutes after Alice had closed her mouth to be able to articulate what in God's name had just happened. I blinked several times, noticing Alice's humorous expression.

"Holy...shit..." I breathed out groggily. "Your breath smells Godly."

Alice giggled. "Why thank you. But really, would you ever tell me otherwise?"

I blinked a few more times. "Well, I don't think your breath can smell anything but good."

"True. Now, enjoy your sandwich."

I felt my mouth water when I remembered that she'd breathed on my sandwich. Which only meant one thing; I needed to eat that bitch. So I quickly bit down on it and immediately moaned when I tasted the intense flavor that was Alice pulsating through my mouth. It felt like I tasted heaven as I swallowed the bite in my mouth and greedily went for another one.

Alice watched me in wonderment as I ate the flavor-induced food, nearly chomping on my fingers once I'd eaten it. Alice giggled and stopped me to remind me that there was no more food in my hands, which was a severe letdown. She proceeded to hand me the chips and the smoothie-plus a napkin-and did the same thing to them as she had to the sandwich. Needless to say, if I could have an orgasm in my mouth, I would have had at least ten from the meal.

Once I'd finished, I burped, which Alice laughed at and applauded. I blushed, but I couldn't help laughing along with her. Alice then set the basket aside and we proceeded to snuggle with each other on the blanket, nuzzling into one another in peace.

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