Chapter 53

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Chapter 53: Call


For the most part, the next few days ended up passing by at a slow, steady pace. I spent most of that time resting and snuggling with Alice, though I would get up to eat and deal with my usual "human moments". I also spent a bit of time talking with Carlisle and Esme and playing games with the others, sometimes winning, sometimes losing.

Alice remained fervent that I not do anything too strenuous and was always nearby whenever I did anything, which I didn't mind too much. It took about two days for my body to fully heal, namely due to the venom inside of me. From what Carlisle had told me, I would be healing at an accelerated rate for a period of time, which I thought was cool.

It was Friday by the time my body had fully healed and Alice had let up on her super-protective mode-okay, she never stopped being super protective, but she wasn't as nervous or cautious around me as she had been, which was nice.

We had not heard from the wolves since they had come to our house, which worried me. I wondered what their council had said and whether or not they would return any time soon, though whenever I asked Alice she always told me not to worry about it. Eventually I gave up on asking her about it, though I still worried.

I sighed quietly and raised my arms to stretch both them and my neck. Currently I was in mine and Alice's room, pacing around as my mind wandered about. I was trying to think of something other than the threat of the wolves, but as usual, I couldn't.

"What's wrong, Bella?" Alice asked, lightly poking my stomach.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into me.

"Nothing's wrong, Alice," I replied, kissing her on the lips. "I'm just thinking."

"About what?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Stuff," I replied.

She pouted. "That's not telling me much. C'mon, what are you thinking? Tell me, please?"

I bit my lip and pressed my forehead to hers. "Honestly? I'm worried about this whole wolf situation," I admitted. "We haven't heard anything from them and that scares me, Alice. What if they attack again, only this time the Alpha doesn't stop them?"

Alice pursed her lips. "Bella, how many times must I repeat myself? Will you please stop worrying about them already? They aren't your problem to worry about, they're for the rest of us to deal with, not you, Bella."

"But what if they decide that it's not "safe" enough here for me and they try to take me away or some shit like that?" I asked.

In truth, what I hadn't told Alice was that I'd had nightmares about that very thing happening. In my nightmares, the wolves would break into the house and begin fighting with my family members in an attempt to kill them. I would scream and beg them to stop, but no one would pay attention to my incessant shouting. They all continued to growl and snarl and fight.

Then a large figure would appear in my peripherals and grab me. I screamed and writhed around in the iron arms that held me, struggling with all my might to free myself. When I turned, I saw that my captor was Jacob, a blank look on his face as he started walking away from the others as they fought against each other. I tried to fight out of his grip and shouted Alice's name.

I watched as Alice sped after Jacob, eyes blazing and her arms outstretched to reach me, yet no matter how fast she ran, she couldn't catch up to him. That was usually the point that I would wake up with tear-stained eyes. Alice, who was always next to me, would snuggle into me and coo in my ear as she rubbed my back tenderly. She never once asked what I had dreamt of because she didn't want me to relive them.

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