Chapter 60

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Chapter 60: Preparation



Sunday went by relatively fast. I didn't really do much that day aside from watch a bit of TV and cuddle with Alice. Okay, so I spent the entire day cuddling with Alice, but there was no way I could break away from her. I loved cuddling with her and she loved it to. The only times that we weren't cuddling was when she went to hunt and when I had to deal with my human problems.

Other than that, the day was uneventful. I dreaded having to go back to school, especially since I'd missed a week of it. I doubted that would put me in good standings with my teachers, that much I was almost certain of. Alice assured me that the teachers would be more understanding since I was a Cullen and I found out that she even did all the homework I'd missed for me. I wasn't the happiest about it, but she merely dismissed it when I tried to confront her about it.

Sunday night, I spent a bit of time talking with Carlisle about my changes. We decided that Alice and the others would help keep an eye on me throughout the day to make sure that there would be no confrontations and that, should someone bleed, they would get me out of there as fast as they could. Blood was not something any of us needed to be around, especially me. I shuddered at the thought of losing control again and what I could do.

Carlisle offered to run a few tests on my control level before I went to bed, but Alice vehemently denied his request. I didn't disagree with her because I knew that arguing with Alice when her protectiveness kicked in was a waste of time. I didn't blame her, though and I certainly didn't mind that she was protective of me. It was endearing, truthfully, though at times when she was a bit overprotective it got a bit on my nerves.

Eventually I went to bed, snuggling with my girlfriend once again. I heard a few of the others joking about how attached Alice and I were to each other, but neither of us paid them any mind as I fell asleep. I was surprised that I didn't wake up until the very morning, since I usually woke up at least once to take care of my human moments. I didn't this time, though. How odd.

"Good morning, my sweet Bella," Alice purred, lightly kissing my cheek and smiling at me.

I yawned and smiled lazily at her. "Morning, pixie feet," I replied.

She giggled. "I wondered when you'd call me that again. I've actually grown rather fond of that nickname. I only like it when you call me that, though."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, stretching. "Do we really have to go to school today?"

Alice chuckled and lifted me up into my arms. "Of course you do, silly girl. Esme wouldn't be very pleased if you didn't. Besides, you do want to finish your first year of high school, no?" I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Alice sighed and kissed my shoulder, each of us breathing in the other's scent.

"Does it matter, though? When I become a vampire, won't I be forced to retake high school again and again anyways?" I asked.

"That is true, but the experience won't be the same since you're still a human now," Alice replied, smiling against my shoulder. "Well, I wouldn't call you a human anymore, at least not technically. I think you're more of a, shall we say, half human."

I rolled my eyes. "Ha, ha, very funny."

"I thought so too," she giggled, kissing my cheek. "Now get up and go get ready, otherwise Amara's going to pour some ice cream into your belly button until you do." She smirked at the end and licked her lips playfully, which made several not-so-clean ideas flow through my head. I heard Edward snort from downstairs, but I ignored him.

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