Chapter 68

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Chapter 68: Prey


My face hurt. No, not just my face, my whole body hurt. Everything was throbbing in pain as I slowly came to, the pain becoming more pronounced as my consciousness fully kicked in. Once my eyes had fully opened, I realized that I was in a very dark place. With further inspection, I found that it was a warehouse of some kind, large crates and boxes as far as I could see.

It didn't take me long to remember why I was here: James and Sarah.

I looked around, listening intently, but there were no noises. Just silence, save for my heart, which pounded in my chest. I swallowed and tried to calm it down, not wanting to alert them that I was awake anytime soon.

I was lying on the cold, hard floor. I looked down at my body and saw that my arms were covered in bruises and guessed that the rest of my body was too, hence the throbbing pain surging throughout every inch of me. I winced when I tried to move, and felt that I might have even had a few broken bones. I didn't know for certain. I didn't want to know, either.

Slowly I tried to stand up, nearly falling when my knees buckled under me. I used a nearly crate for support and stood up after a few attempts, wincing in agony. I held in my grunts of pain, however, because I couldn't risk being heard. Deep down, I knew that it wouldn't matter in the end, but I had to at least try to escape, to get to Alice.


Oh how I wished she was here with me. I hated that I needed to be rescued all the time, I truly did, but I was scared. Yes, I'll admit it to myself, I was fucking terrified. I was in the clutches of James and Sarah, two beyond psychopathic vampires who enjoyed the idea of torturing me, in one place. There was no way in hell I would be getting out of here alive.

I needed Alice seeing this and coming to save me.

I hated it, but it was the truth. I was weak. I needed to be protected. And right now, I didn't know where my protector was or if she was hurt or not and that thought frightened me just as much as the things that my captors could and would likely do to me.

I started to walk forward, not knowing where I was exactly, but at the moment, I didn't care either. All I knew is that I needed to keep moving and get out. I moved, slowly but surely, past boxes and crates, left and right, knowing that I was going in circles, but not stopping. For about five minutes I kept at it, making it into a large clearing where I could see a door in the distance.

That was my ticket out. But there was one very big problem. The space.

If I knew anything about movies, it was that whenever someone started walking toward their way to escape in a wide open area, the bad guy would always end up showing up. So I knew if I started towards it, whether walking or running, James or Sarah or both would end up appearing and I would be fucked. Well, I was fucked anyways. So why bother delaying the inevitable?

"It looks like our little plaything is finally awake." Yup. I saw that coming.

James and Sarah both appeared, James with a smirk, Sarah with a glare, several feet in front of me in a matter of seconds. Sarah's hand was at my throat in seconds, slamming my back roughly into the crates behind me. I whimpered under her crushing grip, which caused her lips to curl into a devilish sneer. James remained standing where he had been, amused.

"I hope you've enjoyed your little free time," Sarah cooed venomously. "Because you sure as hell won't be escaping here alive, Bella. You've eluded us for far too long now and I won't make the same mistake twice. This time you'll die. And I'll enjoy ripping your pretty little head off."

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