Chapter 67

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Chapter 67: Scent


Leah moved briskly through the forest, darting past trees with relative ease and jumping over rocks like it was nothing. Her speed wasn't as fast as Alice's, but it was still faster than a normal human's pace, which didn't surprise me much. I rested my head on her shoulder, rather enjoying the warmth in her body compared to Alice's cold. The only downside was the on-and-off stench emanating from her, which was fairly annoying.

Eventually Leah came to a halting stop and gently set me down. I looked around at our surroundings, noticing the unfamiliar-ness that came with them. There were a variety of bushes, brambles and a few pretty flowers here and there, but this was a part of the forest that I had yet to see before. I felt a little lost. She stood there silently for about two minutes before her nose crinkled and she furrowed her brow in disgust.

"You stink," Leah grunted, frowning at me. Leaned in and sniffed my shoulder, as if she were double checking her nose. She pulled away, waving her hand in front of her nose dramatically and sticking out her tongue in disgust. "You really stink."

I stared at her for a moment, then rolled my eyes. "You stink, too, Leah," I replied snarkily, sticking out my tongue out her. The funny thing is that I probably meant it just as much as she p did, though I wasn't about to tell her that. She stunk. I couldn't stand the smell of wet dog and here I was being forced to breathe it in. Yuck.

Leah snorted. "But seriously, I can't understand why a human stinks this badly. It's like the bloodsucker stench has ingrained itself into your body." She waved her hand in front of her nose dramatically and smiled. "Ah well, I guess it's bearable. Not as stinky as your little girlfriend and her group are, so I'll manage."

I opened my mouth to respond when a thought crossed my mind. Curiously, I leaned in and sniffed Leah, getting a good whiff of her natural scent. It stunk, yes, but for some reason, it didn't stink as bad as the other wolves did. I wonder why that is. Is it because I'm closer to her than the other wolves? Strange...

"You don't smell as bad as some of the other wolves do," I murmured, cocking my head to the side in confusion. I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth when I'd said that, but Leah seemed to find what I'd said amusing. I nearly forgot that she didn't know that I was turning into a vampire, thus she stunk to me. I didn't need her finding that little bit out, either.

"Gee, thanks. Trying to sound like your little midget?" Leah asked.

I nodded and smiled humorously, hoping she wouldn't see through the façade. She didn't. Phew.

"But, actually, come to think of it, what do I smell like to you?" I asked. I was curious since I'd never gotten the chance to talk to a wolf like this for a while. Or ever, for that matter. Leah, yes, I'd talked to, but she'd been sharing personal stuff with me, so I held my questions in. Now, though, we were alone in a forest, so why not throw a few questions out?

Leah gave me a curious look before shrugging. "You smell sweet, like someone's sprayed a massive amount of perfume on you, mixed in with a very light, pleasant strawberry scent. It's like the super sweetness overlays the smell that isn't too bad and it really stinks. But your bloodsuckers...God, they smell worse than anything you could imagine."

I wanted to say something to that, but I held my tongue in. If she thought that my Alice could possibly stink, especially when her and the other wolves smelled they way they did, she had another thing coming. But I knew that it wasn't her fault that she thought that way, so I just shrugged, ignoring the smirk playing on her lips as she spoke.

"What do they smell like?" I asked. It had to be worse than I did. To her, at least.

"Try magnifying the super sweet stink to the one hundredth fucking degree," she replied with sheer disgust. "Only it's worse because they have that corpse stench added in. Trust me, Bella; they stink pretty damn bad to me, especially when I'm a wolf. That's another reason why I stayed in human form when I followed the others, I didn't want to smell them."

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