Chapter 76

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Chapters 76 Truce.


We whipped past trees as the sound of growling and shouting became louder and more pronounced to my ears. Alice was the one shouting and she was not in a happy mood, which worried me because I didn't blame Leah for what happened. Then again, given the obvious disdain they had towards each other, I guess it really had a deep effect on Alice.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Still at school," Amara replied hastily. "They don't know yet."

"We're here," Jasper announced as we came upon a small clearing.

In the center of it were Alice and Leah, each crouched down in a defensive position, waiting for the other to attack. Alice's eyes were jet black and her teeth were bared in a venomous grimace as she glared down the taller girl. Her head whipped over in our direction the moment we came into the clearing. Leah did the same, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Alice, Leah," I breathed, staring between the two of them. "What the hell's going on?"

"Bella..." Alice murmured. "Why are you here? You should be in class."

"So should you," I replied. I started walking toward her, glancing at Leah as I did. "Leah, what are you doing out over here?"

Leah relaxed her posture slightly, her eyes darting over to Jasper and Amara.

"I came here to see how you were doing," she replied. "I called, parents, to see if I could come onto their land and see you and they said yes, but-"

Alice hissed. "You've got a lot of nerve, mongrel. I trusted you dog, to protect my mate from harm, and you ended up letting her get captured and hurt instead!" she seethed. "That just goes to show that you can't trust a stinking mutt to do anything!"

Leah snarled at her. "Who the fuck do you think you are, you little freak? You're blaming me for what happened to Bella? Where were you at during that whole exchange? I thought you could see the future or some shit like that and yet you clearly didn't see them coming either. So don't try to pin the full blame on me, pipsqueak."

"I was fighting off against your stupid mutt friend, if you don't recall," Alice spat. "He went and ruined a special moment between Bella and I and because of him, I was too busy to protect her when that bastard and his sidekick showed up to take her."

"So then blame Jacob, not me," Leah growled.

Alice's eyes narrowed into slits. "I blame both of you-"

"Stop it!" I shouted, stepping between them. They both looked like they were going to rip each other's heads off and I was damned if I planned on letting that happened. "Knock it off, both of you, this fighting is pointless!"

Jasper took a step forward and I could feel waves of calm rushing off of him to blanket the small area around me, including both Alice and Leah. Alice felt it and growled at him, but he didn't budge an inch. Amara moved so that she was standing behind Alice, her arms crossed and her lips curled into a scowl as she looked down at her shorter sister.

"Alice, as much as I may not like the dogs, I don't think you should be trying to kill this one, especially since your mate clearly likes her. If anything, we should just put the blame on that little weasel that ran off and stick with that, don't you think?"

"She's right, Amara," Jasper said softly. "Sometimes even the toughest of our kind can be taken by surprise and I'm sure that the wolves are no different in that aspect."

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