Chapter 72

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Chapter 72: Aftermath


Alice helped prop me up, moving her pillows so that I could lean against them. She then gently lifted me up and curled her arms around me before placing me on her lap, being mindful of my leg, which, thankfully, wasn't hurting. I relaxed into her arms as she pressed her lips to my left shoulder, her body vibrating as she purred contently.

It didn't take long for the others to enter the room. Carlisle and Esme both stood, hand in hand, near Alice's window while the others filtered in. Edward was the first and Emmett was the last, gently shutting Alice's door behind him.

"Thank you, Emmett. If you broke another one of my doors, I'd have to kill you," Alice said from behind me, flashing him a dangerous smile.

Emmett snorted. "Yeah, sure you would, little pix."

"Do you want me to test that theory?" Alice asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"None of that, Alice," Rosalie grunted. "I'm not in a good mood right now. When are we voting on getting rid of that newborn downstairs?"

"Patience, Rosalie," Carlisle said gently. "We'll get to that momentarily. Before we do, are there any other orders of business that we should attend to while everybody is here?"

"Banning Alice from going shopping for a few years?" Amara offered.

Alice scoffed. "Nobody bans me from shopping, Amara. Just for that, I'm making you try on a frilly pink skirt when we go prom dress shopping."

Amara looked horrified and cringed. Then she seemed to ponder something and smirked.

"If you plan on doing that, then I'll show Bella those videos we taped of you when you were drunk a few years ago," she sneered. Alice's eyes bulged. "Oh, so you do remember that. Good, because I happen to have it stored away with my collection of memorable moments in this family, several of which you might find...embarrassing."

"You wouldn't dare," Alice hissed, clearly not amused.

"You know I would and will," Amara replied, snickering.

"Fine!" Alice huffed, pouting adorably. "I won't make you try on any un-Amara dresses. But you're still going shopping with Rosalie, Bella and I once Bella's leg heals. I don't care what excuse or threat you come up with, it's non-negotiable. You're going and that's that!"

Amara narrowed her eyes at her sister. "I get to choose what I end up wearing."

"Deal," Alice replied, huffing again and kissing my cheek.

Both Esme and I giggled while a few of the others chuckled at the exchange. Carlisle, whose eyes were full of mirth, cleared his throat.

"Well, now that that debate is settled, is there anything else of note?" he inquired.

"The wolves," Jasper said. "They broke the treaty again when they attacked Alice in the woods."

Alice snarled and I grimaced, remembering what had gone down. In truth, it had been Jacob who had overreacted and phased. Only then had several others arrived on the scene, likely believing that Alice had been trying to bite me no thanks to Jacob.

"It was that idiot chief's idiot son," Alice growled. "He's the one to blame."

"I think we should just wipe them all out," Rosalie hissed. "They've broken the treaty twice now, and I don't see a point in keeping it around anymore, especially when we all know that they'll probably end up attacking us soon anyways."

"It would seem that a conflict with the Quileutes is unavoidable in the future," Carlisle agreed, pursing his lips.

"But not all the wolves want us dead," I pointed out. "Some of them don't want anything to do with what their elders want. Most of them just want to live in peace and protect their land and families, not get into a big battle."

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