Chapter 51

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Chapter 51: Wolves


No one moved or spoke. All eyes watched the door as it was pounded against, the tension in the air thick enough to cut through with a knife. Jasper sent out a wave of calm, but it did little to settle us as we waited in silence.

I swallowed hard, knowing what lie behind the door. The werewolves. Not just one, not just a few, but all of them. Their entire pack was at our front door and that thought scared and worried me, especially since I was pretty sure they outnumbered my family.

The pounding lasted for a minute or so before letting up. Carlisle glanced at each of us, then cleared his throat and calmly walked to the door. For a moment he seemed to think of something, but it didn't last because he took in a deep breath and opened the door. The moment the door opened, that familiar stench from the beach filtered into the house, causing me to cover my nose.

Ugh, it was awful! How could Carlisle resist that stink? I snuck a glance and saw that the noses of everyone else, even Esme, were crinkled slightly, especially Amara's. I felt a bit bad for her since she had the best sense of smell out of anyone else in the family, which must've made them stink even worse to her. Oh God, poor Amara. Wait, poor me! Since my senses were all screwed up, this was definitely affecting me just as much. Blech.

"Hello there, wolf clan," Carlisle greeted in a gentle voice.

"Cullen," came the reply, in an almost forced neutral tone.

I recognized it as the voice of Sam Uley, apparently the leader of the wolves, or at least, the male leader, since there were two "Alphas" in their pack. I still didn't fully understand the whole wolf thing, truth be told. There was a lot about them that I didn't know.

What I did know was that they stunk.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Carlisle asked, seemingly ignoring the tone of Sam's voice altogether. I had to give the man credit; he certainly knew how to keep calm, even in the face of his enemies. It was kind of funny since I couldn't actually see any of the wolves, which made me assume that they were farther away, trying to avoid the smell of my family.

"We need to talk," Sam replied curtly. "It's regarding your family."

"Certainly," Carlisle replied, nodding. "Would you like to come inside?"

I felt Alice growl against me and looked up to see her baring her teeth at her father's question. I couldn't help but agree with her, though I knew that Carlisle was merely trying to be polite and friendly, which made sense. All of the others, even Esme, let out quiet hisses in protest to the idea as well. Carlisle peered over his shoulder and shot us a brief reproving look, but quickly returned his attention to our "guests".

"Are you joking? Hell no, we won't go in there! We don't want to breathe in your stink," snorted a familiar sounding female voice. It sounded like Raina Black, the female Alpha of the wolves and Jacob's older sister. This reminded me of something. Jacob. He was likely there too, which made me feel uneasy. That also meant that Leah was probably with them, which made me feel even more uneasy. What would they say now that they were here and that I was a Cullen? That worried me a bit.

I heard Rosalie snort. "They think we stink? They should smell themselves..."

Carlisle nodded, again looking placid as he spoke. "Very well, then. Would you prefer it if we were to come outside?" Carlisle inquired, clearly unfazed by Raina's tone and comment.

There was a pause and I could vaguely make out some whispering and grunts amongst the wolves, a few that I could recognize the owner of. Namely it was Sam and Raina talking, though I swore I could hear Jacob and three others adding in to their quiet conversation. That made me wonder: why the hell were they whispering when they knew that my family could hear them?

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