Chapter 38

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38: Legends


Leah appraised me, a curious look in her eyes as she scanned my appearance. I noticed two things about her as she did. Firstly, she had the same tattoo that Jacob had in the exact same place. Come to think of it, I'd seen that tattoo a lot today. Secondly, her nose crinkled slightly as she breathed in, clearly smelling something offensive. It must not have lasted long, though, because as her eyes met mine, her face returned to normal.

She prepared to say something when an irritated growl was heard from behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here, Leah?" Jacob demanded. She didn't respond to him. She didn't even acknowledge his existence. Jacob stormed over to us and stood behind me. I could feel the anger emanating from him as he glared her down. "I asked what you were doing here."

Leah's eyes narrowed as she finally looked at Jacob, glaring scathingly at him.

"I don't see how it's any of your damn business, Jacob, but if you must know..." She paused and looked back at me, her smirk returning. "I figured I'd just stop by to piss you off a bit is all. Oh, and I came here to say hello to Bella, too."

Jacob growled again. "There. You said hello. Now leave," he snapped.

I was taken aback by the amount of venom in his tone and idly stepped away from him. This didn't go unnoticed by either of them, Jacob grimacing at the move while Leah narrowed her eyes, returning her glare full force to him.

"Don't tell me what to do, Jacob Black. You are not my master," she seethed. Her tone softened as she took a step towards me. "Besides, you should know better than to be so rude around a woman. And would it kill you to put a damn shirt on? I'm sure Bella's sick of having to look at those disgusting washboard abs of yours. I know I am."

"You're just jealous," Jacob snorted.

Leah scoffed. "Please. Why should I be jealous of you when we both know that I'm much sexier in comparison? Besides, the only people who would possibly find you attractive are hormonally challenged pre-teens with nothing better to do with their time."

I tried hard not to laugh at the expressions on their faces as they talked. It was plain to see that both of them thought very highly of themselves, but in a different way. Jacob had sort of a conceited arrogance about him while Leah's was more of a...well, sexy arrogance, I guess. And while I did like Jacob and I could see him as being somewhat attractive, I was definitely on the same page as Leah when it came to which of them had the best looks.

Then again, neither of them held a candle to Alice. She was in a league all her own and no one, not Leah or Amara or Esme or Rosalie, could make me change my opinion.

"So Bella..." Leah's voice interrupted my train of thought. "Would you like to go for a walk?"

I was about to reply, but Jacob cut me off. "Bella and I were in the middle of a conversation, actually."

"Actually," I interjected, slightly perturbed by him cutting me off. "We just finished our conversation, Jacob." I had to emphasize each word just right so that he would catch my drift, which he thankfully did. I turned and smiled at Leah. "I'd love to go for a walk."

Leah beamed at that while Jacob scowled and looked at me like I'd just stabbed him in the back.

"But Bella, we've hardly caught up..." he whined.

I sighed. "Jacob, there are other days in the week for us to catch up. Besides, if you're not feeling well, then I don't want to bother you."

He looked at Leah, then back at me. Then his face contorted into one of rage as he clenched his fists at his side. I felt Leah tense up next to me as Jacob's whole body started to shake again, much like it had in his room.

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