Chapter 49

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Chapter 49: Recovery!


When I started to regain consciousness, I became aware of three things.

One, my chest is fucking killing me. Ow, damn it!

Two, I was in a very comfortable, incredibly sweet smelling bed. I think...yes, this was my bed, I could tell. It smelled like Alice and I recognized the feeling of my pillow.

And three, I felt a pair of all-too familiar cold arms wrapped around me and a forehead pressed against the side of my face. Instinctively I nuzzled into the face and arms, knowing already who it was. Even with the incredible pain in my chest, snuggling into Alice's arms always seemed to help alleviate any pain I felt, just like in this case.

Once I'd regained full consciousness, I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Alice's honey colored orbs gazing back at me. Her eyes lit up when they met mine, a small smile forming on her lips. I smiled back as much as I could, wincing slightly at the throbbing in my chest.

"Hey," I breathed, pressing my forehead to hers.

"Hey yourself," she replied, brushing her lips against mine.

"We really should stop meeting like this," I murmured, trying to sound somewhat humorous.

Alice sighed. "Having you wake up in pain, yes. Having you wake up in my arms, no."

I smiled at that and wrapped my arms around her. That was when my brain started to function again and I realized that we were back home. Multiple questions started to surface and I instantly started deciding which to ask first.

I didn't get the chance to, however, because Alice beat me to it.

"Yes Bella, my leg is fine," Alice chuckled, answering my first question. To prove her point she lifted her right leg up from under the covers and bent it several times before lowering it back down. "See? All better now."

I let out a sigh of relief and pulled her closer to me. "What about the others? Are they okay?"

"They're all fully healed now, Rosalie included. Amara's a little upset over what happened, but aside from that, they're better," she replied. Her face became sad as the fingers of her left hand ghosted against my shirt. "You, on the other hand, will need time to heal."

"How badly was I injured?" I inquired.

Alice bit her lip. "Three broken ribs," she replied, shaking her head forlornly. "Oh Bella, I'm so sorry. It's my fault you're hurt."

I shook my head. "No, Alice. It's my fault. I was the idiot who fell for the trap and got myself stuck in that situation. If anything, this is what I got for not thinking clearly. I just...I thought that my friend was in need, so I went with what my heart told me. And this is what ended up happening because of it. I got myself hurt and you and the others, too. So I should be the one apologizing, not you Alice."

Alice closed her eyes and took in a deep, unnecessary breath.

"Bella, for the last time, what happened was not your fault," she breathed out. "You can't predict the future, Bella. You didn't know that it was a trap. So please, stop blaming yourself. And besides, our injuries were our own doing. I got cocky and I paid the price for it. The others were misfortunate enough to underestimate our enemies and they were hurt for it, too."

"But Alice, if I hadn't-"

Alice silenced me with her lips, letting out a quiet growl when she broke away.

"I will not repeat myself again, Isabella. None of this was your fault and that is final," she stated with firmness that I chose not to question. Her face softened and she captured my lips once again, rubbing her cold nose against mine. She cupped my cheeks and kissed me several more times, easing the tension away.

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