Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: Rage


Alice's severed leg flopped to the ground as an ear-piercing agonized scream like shattering glass filled my ears. Tears were already streaming down my face like small waterfalls as Alice writhed about wildly on the ground, clutching the stub where her right leg had once been, shrieking in pain as she did.

"ALICE!" I screamed, running over to her as fast as I could. I forgot completely about the smugly grinning blonde vampire looming nearby as I collapsed to my knees next to my love, my tears falling onto her like raindrops.

"Alice...Alice, oh God, oh God..." I cried, not knowing what to do.

I felt so utterly useless.

Alice's screams had quelled slightly, reduced to heavy, pained breathing as she kept one hand on the stub. Her eyes looked glazed over and lifeless as she lay on the ground, staring into space with an emotionless face. Sarah's sickeningly twisted laughter became the next sound that rang in my ears, mocking both Alice and I.

I stared down at Alice helplessly, touching her left hand as the tears continued to fall.

"Oh Alice," I sobbed.

"Ha! Stupid bitch! That's what you get for getting in my way," Sarah laughed.

An inhuman rage began swirling inside of me as I glared up at her through watery eyes. My blood boiled as the rage overtook me, my entire body shaking as I stood up, baring my teeth at the bitch that would darehurt my Alice.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I snarled. I was seeing red as I lunged for her. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Sarah stopped laughing, her eyes widening in shock. I didn't give her the chance to move as I smashed my right fist as hard as I could into her face, not even thinking about the fact that she was a vampire and I a human. To my surprise, Sarah actually reeled back from my punch. I wasn't done though, my rage far from being sated, so I followed through with my left, hitting her just as hard as I had before. The blonde vampire teetered backwards, her head swaying from side to side as her arms flailed about for a good minute.

I couldn't help but stop and gape at what I'd done.

I just punched a fucking vampire. And my hands weren't broken! Holy shit!

My irrelevant thought process was quickly destroyed when Sarah stopped moving and straightened herself out. She turned so that she was facing me and shot me a look of confusion, shock and anger all in the same. I blinked in surprise when I saw two small cracks on each of her cheeks where my fists had connected, though they dissipated in seconds.

"What the fuck? Did you...did you just punch me?" Sarah sputtered, clearly as amazed as I was.

I didn't really know how to answer her exactly. I suddenly realized that the rage that had been driving me had dropped and I was now standing feet away from a creature capable of puncturing my skull with a single finger, coupled with the fact that said creature had a vendetta against me for something that I truly did not do. I was defenseless. Helpless. Oh fuck.

The realization made me shudder as I took several steps back, standing in front of where Alice was lying. Alice. I turned and dropped down to my knees again, cupping the back of her head with my right hand and stroking her cheek with my left. Alice blinked several times before looking up at me, her eyes smoldering with pain and hurt.

"Alice," I whimpered.

"Bella..." she breathed. "You need t-to run. Now!"

I gaped. "What?"

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