Chapter 62

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Chapter 62: Movies



"So are you sure that you want to see this movie?" Alice asked.

We were sitting in the cafeteria, holding hands at our usual table with the others, sans Edward who had elected to go home because he was "sick", which was just an excuse for him to leave and hunt. Amara and Jasper were the only ones sitting at our table since both Rosalie and Emmett had gone off to Lord knows where, likely for some private time. I mentally cringed at the thought of whatever it was those two were really doing. Probably in some broom closet. Ew.

"Why not?" I asked, giving her a quizzical look and laying my head on her right shoulder. She laid her head upon mine, amber eyes smoldering as always.

"I'm just making sure. There are other movies playing tonight that we can go see, but if this is the one that you want to watch, I'll gladly watch it," Alice replied, kissing the top of my head.

I smiled, glad that she was okay with it. I'd talked with Eric and the others earlier today, both in class and before it, about the time, location and how much money to bring. We agreed that we would all meet up outside the theater at four twenty, which would give us all time to buy the tickets, get snacks-except Alice, who wouldn't eat-and find good seats. I couldn't lie, I was extremely excited. This was my first outing with friends and Alice alone.

"You'd better make sure she doesn't cheat and use her visions to watch the movie ahead of time, Bella," Amara snickered, twirling her fork around in her uneaten mashed potatoes. "It's a bitch when she does that and decides to be cute and call out random scenes. Annoying, too."

Alice scoffed. "That was one time and one time only, Amara."

"I seem to recall it being quite a few times," Jasper chuckled.

"Shut up!" Alice whined. "I won't look ahead to see what happens this time, I promise."

"Uh huh," the both snickered together, causing Alice to growl at them.

"Assholes," she grumbled under her breath. "You believe me, don't you Bella?"

I giggled and kissed her nose. "Of course I do, because if you ruin the movie, I'll shave those little silky locks of yours off." Alice's eyes widened with mortification. I rolled my eyes. "You know I'd never do that to you, Alice. I love your hair too much."

"Don't joke about that," she grunted. "You're giving Amara ideas." I glanced at Amara, who sneered joyously, winking at me in thanks. I couldn't resist giggling.

"If she does, you'll see it coming and you can just drag her shopping as payback," I pointed out, wiping the sneer clean off of Amara's flawless face. Jasper started guffawing as Amara shrank back into her seat and Alice's lips curled into a devilish grin.

"She has to go shopping with me anyways before prom," Alice stated, giggling evilly. "And so are you and Rose. I know that you don't mind it and I have no intention of tormenting you, but Rosalie won't be too lucky, nor will you Amara. And let's not forget that Jasper and Emmett have to go too to get some good tuxedos. Can't have you looking like bums, now can we?"

Jasper's lips twitched. "I suppose not, no."

"I don't need a stinking dress," Amara groaned. "They don't make any that suit my size, anyways. And they never let my belly button show, which sucks royally. So really, I can't think of anything appealing about dresses. They're nothing but tight, easily dirtied rags."

"Which you wore on your wedding night," Alice pointed out. "And if I recall correctly, your belly button showed and you actually enjoyed wearing it. We can find a dress that fits your style, Ama; you just have to be willing to try a few out." Her eyes twinkled as she smiled. "A few hundred or so, that is. You're in need of some non-dress clothes, my sweet sister."

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