Chapter 59

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Chapter 59: Rivalry


Leah sighed and held out the hand that was holding the treaty. Carlisle stepped forward slightly and gently took it from her before stepping back.

"Thank you," Carlisle said, smiling.

Leah nodded quietly while Serena smiled. Brandon remained passive with his hands in his pockets, surveying the area out of curiosity it seemed. Leah's eyes flickered to mine for a moment, staring back at me with an emotion I couldn't register. Alice tensed up next to me and let out a brief, quiet hiss, at which point Leah turned her eyes to Carlisle as he opened the treaty.

Carlisle scanned it over for a moment, as did Esme who stood next to him. They read in silence for a good few minutes while the rest of us waited, though I could tell Rosalie and Amara were disgruntled by the wolf stench and Emmett wanted to know what it said. Jasper remained stoic, his eyes switching from the wolves to the rest of us, Edward was frowning as he listened in to the minds around him and Alice...well, Alice was giving Leah the stink-eye.

"We're sorry about what happened before," Serena said, breaking the silence. "The others aren't as keen on the idea of peace between us, but really, it's not fully their faults."

Brandon sighed. "If only our parents agreed with those of us who see the benefits of peace."

"Ain't gonna happen," Leah snorted, crossing her arms.

"That's not true, Lee," Serena disagreed. "Your mom believes in it, doesn't she?"

"It seems unlikely given what most of your council members were thinking," Edward interjected politely. "Only two of them wished for peace. The others did not agree and they were all thinking along the lines of starting a pointless battle with us."

"I wouldn't be surprised if my father felt that way," Brandon grunted, shaking his head.

Edward nodded. "I'm afraid so."

Brandon grimaced slightly. "I thought as much. He's always been against the idea of allowing vampires to live here in Forks. His hate comes from the hate passed down to him by his parents and their parents as well. My brother and I are the first wolves to ever come from our family and my father seems hell-bent on trying to use us against you. I want nothing to do with it, and while Colton might brag and boast, I know he doesn't either."

"What do the other wolves think?" Jasper inquired. "I can tell that the three of you are sincere in your feelings, for the most part. What of the others."

"It's mixed," Serena replied. "Most of them are going by what the council tells them because that's how they were raised. I know Leah's little brother Seth is a firm believer in keeping the peace between our groups. Sam and Raina are both neutral on the subject, though I'm certain they're leaning more towards the pro side than anything."

"Paul, Quil, Embry, Kim, Jared, Crystal and Jacob are all against it. Part of it comes from what their parents say, Jacob especially, and part of it comes from their past experiences involving vampires and what it did to their families," Brandon commented.

"So you're torn in half on it," I noted. "Is that right?"

Leah turned to appraise me and nodded. "Just about, though I wouldn't hold my breath on Raina remaining completely loyal to it."

"Lee..." Serena sighed, lightly smacking the girl's shoulder. "Just because the two of you don't get along anymore doesn't mean that you have to say that. She's sincere about her beliefs, I know she is. More than what can be said about that brother of hers."

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