Chapter 65

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Chapter 65: relaxation


"Er..." I stared at her arms, uncertain. "What kind of surprise are we talking about here?"

Alice narrowed her eyes and instantly encased me in her stony arms. She immediately smirked and glided inside of the house with me still in her arms, the sound of Edward's guffawing ringing from outside, much to my annoyance. I had the incredible urge to tell him to shut up, but...oh.

Shut the fuck up, Edward! I roared inside of my head. That just made him laugh harder. Ass.

Alice stopped in front of our door and set me down.

"Ignore him, love," Alice cooed, kissing my cheek. "I have a very special evening planned out for the both of us and that would require you to do something you might not like. Now be a dear and go change into what's waiting on the bed for you. Meet me in the kitchen when you're done and we'll get going." She winked at me and danced down the stairs, leaving me puzzled.

I sighed and walked into our room and saw a few clothes on the bed. I wondered why she wanted me to change so badly, and then I saw what it was she wanted to change into. A bikini.

I gaped at it and heard Alice's musical laughter downstairs. My cheeks heated up and I considered chickening out, but then I realized that I needed to get over the fear of being like this around her. Plus, if she was going to be wearing a bikini...yum.

So I sucked it up and dropped my clothes to the floor before switching into the dark blue bikini, which I recognized as the same one that I'd worn to La Push, but I'd never showed. I bet Alice was more than pleased to know that, since she probably wanted my body to herself. I couldn't argue with that logic, not at all.

Once I was dressed-if that term even applied-I took a deep breath and walked toward the door, only to find Alice standing outside of it, fully clothed. Her amber eyes darkened slightly as she appraised me, raking my form several times as a large smile tugged at her lips.

"You look sexy," she said, capturing my lips. "But then again, you're always sexy."

My face was redder than a tomato. "Thanks..." I murmured. "Are you...?"

"Of course, silly, I just wanted to come compliment you and give you this," she said, handing me a plastic bag with new clothes in it. "Those are for when we're finished. You'd best not try to put them on now, or I'll tear them off. Just so that you're warned ahead of time."

"But what about-"

She gently tapped a finger to my lips. "Don't worry; I'll give you a towel to cover yourself. They know that if they make any crass remarks that I'll rip their heads off, anyways. I won't ever put you in an embarrassing situation, Bella. I promise."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Hang on a sec," she said. She vanished, then reappeared shortly after with a towel, which she handed to me with a smile. "Here you are."

"Thanks." I took the towel and wrapped it around myself.

Alice giggled and beckoned me into her arms, lifting me into a bridal style position. I nuzzled into her shoulder and hugged her tightly, the bag with my new change of clothes pressed between us as she gracefully danced down the stairs. She stopped to grab something, but her movements were too fast for me to watch since she immediately picked up her pace and dashed out the door, nuzzling into the top of my head.

"Close your eyes," she whispered. So I did.

About two minutes later, Alice stopped and set whatever it was in her other hand down before kissing my cheek and setting me down. I opened my eyes and was surprised when I saw that we were in the same area that we'd come to in the past, the place where we first admitted our feelings to each other not that long ago. Or at least, I thought it was.

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