Hawks and Doves

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Lucy braided her extremely long, auburn hair off to the side. She threw on the first shirt that smelt clean and the bell-bottoms that were lying across her butterfly chair. She rubbed her eyes, wiping away the crust of dried tears from her sleep-deprived eyes. She left her room, and traveled down the spiral stair case to the living room of the boarding house. She half-waved at Jude, who was bent over his drawing for the new anti-war pamphlets. It was supposed to be Lucy's job, but due to the circumstances….

"Do you want a ride to the hospital Lucy?" Jude offered, looking up. She shook her head, and grabbed her bag and walked outside. She unchained her bike from the tree outside and began to ride it the three blocks to the local hospital. The wind felt refreshing on her face, blowing the stray pieces of her hair back. She reached the hospital in less than five minutes and chained her bike to a tree out front so it wouldn't get lost in the madness; just because there weren't protestors here now didn't mean that there wouldn't be later. This hospital held several wounded soldiers, making it an easy place for anti-war protests.

Lucy checked in with the nurse and headed to the third floor. She walked down the hallway, trying to block out the moans of pain coming from various rooms. She reached room 348 and walked in, only to stop in her tracks.

Her brother Peter had been in a coma since he returned from Vietnam. When he arrived back in the US, both she, her sister and brother had gone to see him. But after Peter hadn't woken up, they'd stopped visiting. That was three weeks ago, and Lucy was the only one who visited him everyday.

So seeing a new visitor, a young man, by her brother's bedside had stopped her dead in her tracks.

He looked at her with equal surprise. "Oh… I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude." He stood and rubbed the back of his neck. "You probably don't want me here."

Lucy shook her head, snapping out of her daze. "Pardon?"

He looked even move awkward as he gestured towards her shirt. Lucy's brows furrowed as she looked down. Then she realized he must be referring to her peace pin and her dove pin, marking her an anti-war protestor. A second glance at the young man made her realize he was in an army uniform.

"Oh well….I'm sure Peter is tired of having just me visiting him." She gestured for him to sit back down and then she took a seat on the other side of Peter's bed near his head. The stranger sat, still looking a bit uncomfortable. They sat in silence for a while, Lucy looking at Peter and the young man looking down at his feet. He glanced up to her and then away, "You're Lucy, aren't you?"

She looked at him. "Yes, I am."

He nodded, "Peter talked about you all the time. You and your brother and sister. But mostly you." He smiled, "His stories of you made us remember what we were fighting for." He met her eyes now, "War is nasty business and it's so easy to lose hope- forget what home is like. Remember love."

Lucy felt her eyes water and she looked away from him. She reached over to Peter and stroked his hair back. "I never knew he talked about me."

The young man nodded. "All the time."

They sat in silence again, but it was more comfortable this time. Eventually he stood and left the room, muttering something about being back in a moment. He came back with two glasses of water. He handed one to her and she mutter thanks. "I'm Caspian, by the way." He extended his down free hand and she shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, War Hawk Caspian." He was almost offended, but he caught the teasing tone in her voice and the slightly curl of her lip. He couldn't contain a smirk, "You as well, Peace Dove Lucy."


Lucy and Caspian got to know each other over the last few weeks. Lucy learned that Caspian was in combat with her brother, that they had saved each other's asses on more than one occasion. Caspian learned Lucy's sides to her brother's stories, which he had to admit, were much funnier. They enjoyed each other's company; it made the beeps of the machines and Peter's silence easier to bare.

They became fast friends, despite being on two different sides in a conflict. Caspian respected Lucy's reasons for being anti-war and Lucy found she respected Caspian's bravery.

Perhaps it was the grief that drew them together. Perhaps it's that they were on opposite sides and therefore had a Romeo and Juliet affect. Or perhaps it was simply that, deep in their souls, they were meant to be together. Whatever the reason, they fell in love.


Lucy had beaten Caspian to Peter's room one morning, but she thought nothing of it. She couldn't wipe the grin off her face. With all the chemistry, she was certain that after she shared the good news with Caspian, he would kiss her. He would kiss her and then she could finally admit her feelings and it would be the most romantic moment of her life.

She heard footsteps enter Peter's room and she couldn't help but spill the great news. "The nurse said they saw signs of Peter coming out of his coma; he should be conscious within the next we-" Lucy turned and saw Caspian's face. "What is it?" She asked, worried.

"My orders came in."


"Yes- Lucy, listen. Before I go back to Vietnam, in case something happens, you need to know…I have to tell you."

"No!" Lucy yelled this time, her eyes filling with tears. She shook her head and sank to the ground, hugging her knees while mutter "no, no, no…" over and over. Caspian rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her, ignoring when she struggled to get out of his embrace.

"Lucy, I'm so sorry." She was crying too much to talk now and Caspian felt tears prick his eyes. "Please, Lucy, I have to say."

"Don't." Lucy choked out.

"Yes. Lucy. Even if I don't say it, you'll still worry for me. Won't you?"

"Of course!"

"Then, please, Lucy let me say it." He crawled around to kneel in front of her. He cupped her face in his hands, wiping her tears away with his thumb. He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead and she closed her eyes at the feeling.

"Lucy. I love you." He whispered and she choked out another sob, leaning into him. He held her as she clung onto his desperately. He whispered I love you in her hair over and over, rocking her until she calmed down a bit. She lifted her head from his shoulder to look at him. Caspian brushed her hair out of her eyes. She leant up carefully, pressing her lips to his. "You better come home to me, Hawk."

Caspian smiled, tears falling from his eyes too now. "Count on it, Dove."

Chronicles of Lucy and Caspian [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now