Dear Heart, This Is What A Girl Wants

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Dear heart, I just fell for a boy. Good luck. Sincerely, Me

Girls are not complicated…seriously, how hard is it to say "You're pretty" and give us chocolate?

Dear heart, I just fell for a boy. Good luck. Sincerely, Me.

Lucy had never imagined writing that in her journal, but after meeting Susan's new friend, she knew she was in trouble.

Susan was on student government, and was showing a new- gorgeous boy- around the school- and putting on all of her charm. As the "classically pretty one" Lucy knew that she stood no chance against her sister. But still, Caspian (what a cute name!) seemed to talk to Lucy more than Susan.

Of course she did share more classes with him- which meant they had more in common. But he could also just be talking to her to get to Susan.

This! Lucy internally groaned, Is why I don't deal with boys.

Lucy always thought love should be simply- she didn't understand why Peter and Edmund had so much trouble with girls. "We're not complicated!" She'd tell them "Tell use "You're pretty" and give us chocolate! What's so hard about that?" Susan, on the other, didn't have any problems with the boys besides too many of them. Lucy's problems were non- existent. No boy had ever been interested her…at least that's what she was certain about until Caspian came along. Now…she felt more than friendship between them- but who could tell with Susan hanging about all the time.

Lucy closed her book, admittedly slammed it closed rather hard. "You seem stressed out…" An accented voice said from behind her. Lucy jumped in her seat, her hand flying to her heart. "Oh Caspian." The boy smiled when she addressed him, "You frightened me."

"Sorry Lucy," her named rolled smoothly from his lips, "That was not my intention." He placed a warm hand on her shoulder as he took a seat next to her. "If you don't judge me too much… I am avoiding your sister."

"Though I wish I could stand up for my sister, I completely understand. She can be a bit of a…"

"Pest?" Caspian smirked.

"Caspian!" Lucy reached to smack his shoulder, but he caught her had. "But yeah…" Lucy agreed, her voice drifting off when he began to play with her fingers.

"Did you know I can read palms Lucy?" Caspian asked his voice raspy. Lucy could only shake her head no; her voice was caught in her throat and she didn't want to break whatever spell had come over them by clearing her throat.

He turned her hand over, gently as if he was studying an ancient relic of Egypt or Greece. He traced the lines on her hand, trailing over her fingertips, tickling her skin. "You've met the love of your life…but I'm sorry to say it will cause a rift between you and your family."

Lucy looked sad, almost frightened at this news. His other hand went her face, "It won't be your fault. There is a break starting before the love of your life comes in." Lucy nodded and Caspian smiled at her. "The break will come soon, and long coming. The choice is if you push away others due to this hurt." He looked at her questioningly.

"I hope I won't." Lucy looked at him softly. Caspian found the answer he was looking for, "I cannot tell you who this love is…but… I hope… I guess I've been hoping for a while…" They were intently staring at each other now, fevered glances between eyes and lips. "Perhaps you could find this love in…"

"Lucy, Ms. Dawson wishes to see you in her classroom." The librarian's voice called, feeling dangerously close to catching Lucy and Caspian doing…whatever this was. They both jumped back and Lucy flushed, "Coming!" Lucy gathered her thing, "I shall see you later Caspian!"

Caspian looked after he fondly, "…find this love in me?" he trailed off softly.

"Caspian?" a shrill voice called from behind the bookcase. He jumped up, nearly knocking over his chair to avoid Susan. Perhaps Ms. Dawson would some help with….something….anything…

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