1000 Times

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Lucy walked into her history class and took her usual seat at the back of the room. She stared out the window blankly until her friend Sara sank into the seat next to her.

"Lu?" Sara scrunched her brow.

" Hmm?"

" You've been acting strange for a few weeks now…" Sara considered her words carefully, "But not all the time- just in this class actually."

"Strange how?"

"You never talk. I mean, there are times when you're about to but you bite your tongue, like you afraid of some giving some dark secret away." Sara studied her carefully, pausing in her lecture for the bell to ring, "You always stare at the ground, only ever looking up to sneak glances at-"

"Caspian." A deep voice boomed and both girls heads snapped toward the doorway, where the young man in question stood. "Thank you for joining us, please take the open seat in the back of the room."

Sara turned back to Lucy, only to see that Lucy's face was on fire and she had slumped further into her seat, as if she wanted the floor to swallow her up. Knowing that she wasn't going to pry any verbal information out of Lucy, she carefully slid out her phone from her pocket. Lucy's phone vibrated loudly on the desk and she snatched it up with a squeak. Caspian chuckled and Lucy's blush deepened.

You like him.

Lucy froze for a moment, before sparing a quick glance forward to ensure Mr. Levin didn't see their phones.

Shut your face.

You do! That's why you've been acting so weird.

Fine! Yes, I like him. Can we drop it now?

It's not like you to be shy. Why don't you make a move?

Because I'm not stupid Sara…

Wait- that's why you don't talk when he's in the same class as you. You're afraid of saying something stupid?


That's stupid.


I'm not trying to be clever, I'm trying to make a point Lucy!

Point taken, but I'm still not going to do anything.

Besides stare at him when he sits up front.

I do not stare.

"Can I join this urgent texting conversation?" A silky voice teased and both Lucy and Sara jumped in their seats, Lucy dropping her phone. Caspian reached down, careful not to be seen, and picked it up. He smiled, and handed it back, brushing his fingers with hers. Lucy murmured a quiet "Thanks" before turning and staring towards the front of the room. Sara saw Caspian's face fall before he turned his attention to the lesson. Well, if Lucy wasn't going to do anything, Sara would do it for her.

Quickly grabbing a sheet of scrap, Sara wrote Do you like Lucy? before wadding it up and throwing it at Caspian's head. Lucy thankfully missed the whole transaction, due to her staring at her fingers. Sara sent a quick text. This isn't like you! Where is the valiant girl I know?

She melted when Caspian smiled at her. Believe me, I know how pathetic that is.

Before she could respond, a crumpled piece of paper hit her foot. Is it that obvious?

Only to me, I guess. Believe me, Lucy is clueless.

What does that mean?

Ask her yourself.

How? She doesn't talk.

Actually she doesn't ever shut up. She's just nervous.


Oh goodness, you are both so stupid.

Sara rolled her eyes in irritation. She didn't understand how to extremely intelligent people could be so freaking stupid.

"Sara?" Mr. Levin's voice called. The entire class turned to face her and her eyes grew wide. "Do you have the answer?"


Mr. Levin smirked, "Would you like to phone a friend?"

"Yes." Sara looked at Lucy, who glared but took a deep breath. "The poet is from the Romantic period." She murmured, barely loud enough for everyone to hear.

"How can we tell that?" Mr. Levin pressed, slightly stunned that Lucy had talked.

"One of the key aspects is the romanticized ideas of the Middle Ages- knights and fair maidens." Lucy explained softly, "This poet was most likely a woman, writing of her love for a knight at court. And how women, though they aren't knights, are just as brave."

"Well, silent but deadly wit." Mr. Levin smiled, "How are these women portrayed as brave?... hmm… Caspian."

"They die every time their love goes off to battle."

"Die literally?"

"No... She claimed that a knight dies once, but his lady dies a 1000 times."

"Very good." Mr. Levin nodded, "Sara, good use of phoning a friend."

Sara nodded and then turned to thank Lucy and Caspian, but Lucy was back to staring at her desk and Caspian was darting longing glances at her. Sara scowled and slumped in her seat, "They are both so stupid" she huffed in her mind.

Chronicles of Lucy and Caspian [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now