Reality is Better Than Dreams

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You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

Lucy could never sleep. Either she was too excited or too worried or too something. The habit had formed on the Dawn Treader- she would wander the deck for hours when the moon was high and the stars were out. She had fallen asleep on deck more times than she'd care to admit and Caspian or Edmund would carry her back to her borrowed quarters.

But she was always up, bright and cheery, as soon as the sun rose. Her energy was astounding. If she was asked about it, she was shrug and claim it was Narnia's air.

But even after, Edmund, Eustace and her had left, she still couldn't sleep. But she stopped rising early. She slept late and looked tired almost every day. Edmund and Eustace began to worry, but she brushed them off. She'd claim headaches or worry for Peter, but she didn't fool anyone. It was heartaches and missing Narnia.

Yet when they were called back home, to stay in Narnia forever, Lucy still didn't sleep. Edmund just believed her mildly insane at this point, but she was happy again, so he didn't worry. She was Lucy and dancing and brought the brightness to every place she went. She went to bed late and rose early, just as she had on the Dawn Treader; only now, Caspian had also begun to sleep this way.

Edmund didn't make the connection until after they had been home in Narnia for two months. It wasn't that they couldn't sleep; it's that they didn't want to!

Lucy and Caspian were in love.

They hadn't admitted it- not to each other, and maybe not to themselves- but they were. They had been since the Dawn Treader. They didn't like sleeping because they'd rather be in each other's company, laughing and talking. In sleep, they didn't feel their hearts begin to race or the ache to see the other smile.

Their love, even though it was unknown to most, was far better than any dream Aslan could bless them with.

Chronicles of Lucy and Caspian [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now