Christmas Time In Narnia

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Lucy thanked the guards as they finished propping up towering Evergreen. The tips were still lightly frosted with snow that was quickly melting in the heat of the castle. She inhaled clean scent that lingered on the trees- it spelt of winter crisp and clean.

Twirling on her heel, Lucy pranced over to the large packages that had been delivered earlier- orders from Narnian artisans of glass orbs and snowflakes, thin strands of silver fabrics and a circular quilt portraying a Narnian winter celebration.

Everything she needed for a Christmas tree.

Lucy loved being home in Narnia- but every now and then, she ached for her family in England. For Peter to take her ice skating, or Susan to help her bake cookies. She longed for her father sneaking small treasures into her stocking and her mothers clear voice singing carols of mirth and peace.

She longed to bring that warmth of Christmas to Narnia, incorporate her two lives to fit into one.

She set to work. Hanging the ornaments with care, twisting the strands of silver to be tinsel. She wrapped the quilt around the base of the tree to create a tree skirt just like her mother had. She hung stockings over the hearth in the hall and mistletoe in the doorway. Everywhere she touched came alive with Christmas joy and spirit.

Caspian came in, holding a package behind his back. Pausing in the doorway, he watched his wife dance around the giant tree, trying to figure out what it needed. Spotting him, she came over and kissed his lips. "You're standing under the mistletoe."

He kissed her more firmly before handing her the neatly wrapped package. "Merry Christmas Lu."

She ran her fingers over the folded paper and ribbons, "It's not Christmas yet."

"Well humor me," Caspian teased, "and open it now."

Laughing, Lucy turned the present over to find the seam in the paper. She carefully peeled the paper away; it was like every Christmas morning. Her siblings would rip into their gifts, but Lucy always gently unwrapped hers.

Handing the wrapping to Caspian, she opened the box and gasped.

It was a ordinated star: shimmering blown glass, silver and gold skating across the smooth surface.

"I thought you'd need a tree topper." Caspian whispered as he watched her face study the star in awe.

She set the box gingerly to the side before throwing her arms around Caspian. "I love it." She kissed him, "I love you."

He smiled against her lips, " I love you more." He grabbed the box with one arm and her hand with his free one. "Come on, let's place this in its proper place."

They approached the tree; Lucy cradled the star in her palms. Caspian gave her a kiss on the cheek before hoisting her up into his arms. With anyone else she would have felt unsteady, but she was always safe in Caspian's arms. She placed the star atop the tree and Caspian lowered her into the floor, but kept his arms around her.

And that's how they stood for a moment- in each other's arms, staring at the tree.

Lucy's heart expanded: it finally felt like Christmas.

Chronicles of Lucy and Caspian [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now