Non-Ginger Weasley

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Lucy finished her last bit of Butterbeer before bidding her friends goodbye and heading back out into Hogsmeade.

Walking down the street, Lucy had two arms wrapped around her shoulders, sandwiching her. "Well if it isn't the Non- Weasley ginger." One voice teased.

"The only one of her kind." The other finished.

"Fred. George." She greeted them both. "Or are you Gred and Frogre?"

"I do believe we're Fred and George today-"

"But we'll let you know if we change our mind." They winked in unison.

Lucy laughed, and then brushed their arms off of her. "Would you two flirt with me one at a time? You're combined charm is far too much for me." She teased.

"But that's out plan to win you over-"

"But then we had to decide which one of us got you-"

"We did have a riviting discussion over which one of us wants to snog you more-"

"But we decided that Caspian would have our heads either way-"

"And we don't want the Slytherins we actually like-"

"Trying to murder us."

"Oh would you too shut it!" Lucy's face was on fire, "Bloody hell! I feel like the entire school is gossiping about Caspian fancying me."

"That darling," Fred ran around from beside her to in front, "Is because it's true." George joined his brother walking backwards in front of her, "He walks you to your classes."

"He stares at you across the Great Hall."

"When you fell off your broom last month, he didn't leave your hospital bedside."

"A fact, which irked Peter to no end."

Lucy broke through them, walking a head of them now "Sod off you two, you're being completely ridiculous."

"Are we though?"

"Your blush says otherwise..."

"Why don't you two go find Ron and bother him!" Lucy turned around and crossed her arms over her chest- staring the twins down.

"Because it's not as fun to bother him!"

"Besides, we're hoping to get you angry enough to shag one of us."

Lucy leant towards them, punching Fred's shoulder, then George's. "I swear, I'll have Ginny hex you both!"

"Evil!" Fred gasped, "Why don't you go join Edmund in Slytherin?"

"I'm sure Caspian will share his bed." George smirked.

Lucy turned as red as her hair and drew her wand. "If you don't stop, I'll hex you both and then send Edmund and Peter after you!"

The twins raised their hands over their heads, "Alright, we'll lay off. But only if you set Lee up with a certain Ravenclaw."

"Lee still has a crush on Susan?" Lucy giggled, feeling her irritation at the twins slipping away- it was hard to stay mad at her best friends.

"It's rather sad." George nodded gravely.

"Last game, he wouldn't stop talking to her-"

"While she was watching to make sure you didn't fall off your brooms while playing Hufflepuff like last time."

"That was your fault!" Lucy argued, "You'd think you two were Hufflepuff's beaters the way that one almost hit Peter!"

"Technically, you're the one who got distracted, so it's your fault you fell." Lucy glared, "but never mind that-"

"We were in the middle of a story-"

"Thank you so much for interrupting-"

"Like we were saying, Susan was trying to watch you-"

"So she told Lee to bug off-"

"Or she'd brew such a nasty potion-"

"Slip it into his drink-"

"And we don't know what said potion would have done actually-"

"Lee had run away from her by that point..."

Lucy laughed, picturing Susan clucking at Lee like a hen whose feathers had been ruffled one too many times. "I can't believe he likes her after she said that."

"He thinks angry Susan-"

"Is sexier than smart Susan!"

"Oh Merlin, that boy has got it bad." Lucy laughed. Fred and George smiled at her, "We'd invite you to join us on our trip to Honeydukes-"

"But Seamus is there-"

"And that boy had got it bad for you-"

"Even though we told him you had the hots for us-"

"Who wouldn't-"

"Just look at us-"

"But he's insistent on being a lovesick puppy."

Lucy rolled her eyes, "Thanks for the offer, but I promised Caspian a game of chess." She waved and took off towards the castle.

"See you in the common room!" They called; Fred smiled and turned to George, "When did chess become code for snog?"

"I don't know, but I'm canceling my match of chess with Ron."

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