How Do You Measure A Year

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In Daylights

Lucy gazed out across the sea, the sunlight reflecting like glimmering broken glass on the deep blue water. She breathed in the salty air, and let a small, sad smile grace her lips. She had never thought she'd see another day in Narnia, and she never would have thought she'd spend the rest of her days here.

When Aslan had offered her and Edmund the choice to either stay in Narnia or return home, she had frozen. She was being offered everything she every wanted, but at what cost? Never seeing her family again, or holding her mother close? Never seeing her father and Peter return from war? The cost was too high, but Edmund had gently grasped her shoulder and told her firmly she needed to stay.

That hadn't made the decision any less painful, but it made it easier.

So here she was, sailing home on the Dawn Treader.

Caspian came up next to her, slowly approaching as to not startle her out of her deep thoughts. She nodded her head, but did not remove her gaze from the sea. He leant against the railing less than a foot from her.

They stayed silent for a moment before Caspian looked at her. "Are you happy Lucy?"

She pondered, "Yes and no." Then she looked at him and smiled brilliantly, "But mostly yes."

Caspian said nothing in reply but smiled and gently placed his hand over hers, resting them together on the railing.

In Sunsets

Lucy waded ankle deep into the water, not caring she was getting her ball gown wet. She roughly pulled her hair down, releasing her curls from the up do. She pushed her fingers through her hair as she stared out towards the sunset.

"It's rude to leave your own ball my queen." A voice teased from behind her. Caspian joined her in the water, smiling at her but his eye held mild concern.

"I'm afraid I didn't much feel like dancing my king." She replied softly as she roughly tried to untangle a knot in her hair. Larger hands pulled her small ones away and Caspian's warm, callused ones gently undid her tangled curls. "You didn't feel like dancing? That doesn't sound like the Lucy I know."

"It appears that word of my permanence has spread, and several suitors have decided to make their intentions know." Caspian's hands, that had been resting on her shoulders gently, tensed. "I cannot believe they approached you when I told them to not pursue you."

Lucy turned to face him so that they were toe to toe in the water, "You told them what?"

Caspian blushed slightly and lowered his eyes to stare at the water, "I'm sorry if that offends you my queen, but none of those men are good enough for you."

Lucy ducked her head so she could capture his gaze, smirking up at him, "Oh?"

Caspian met her gaze seriously despite her teasing tone, "They would try and tame you. They wouldn't understand your adventurous side- and worse still they would be so worried about you being 'out of control' that they would miss how wonderful you are. How sweet, and loving and caring and…" Caspian trailed off as Lucy's eyes softened.

"Do you really think all that of me Caspian?" She asked softly. Her hands were resting on his shoulders and his were gently cupping her neck and jaw. Caspian gazed down at her, and Lucy could see, to her surprise, undisguised love in his eyes. His thumb gently traced her lower lip and she shuddered slightly. He nodded as he brought their faces together, brushing their noses, "Yes."

But he didn't kiss her. He was giving her a choice; she could leave this situation and not go down this road with him. He was allowing her what she wanted. But she didn't want any of the suitors pestering her in the castle, she wanted this.

Chronicles of Lucy and Caspian [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now