What Beckoning Ghost

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What beckoning ghost

Along the moonlight shade

Invites my steps and

Points to yonder glade?

Caspian often wondered about the afterlife- it was only natural. He had lost his parents at a young age; he wanted to know where they went and if they were watching over him. And he never lost interest in the idea of spirits- it seemed that as he grew, so did his curiosity.

But, he decided, that even after being on the edge of Aslan's Country, so close to the veil, he had never seen a ghost until the days the Dawn Treader was heading home. He woke, every night without fail, at midnight so see Lucy's ghost shimmer into existence.

He knew that she hadn't died- this was not her spirit. Caspian believed, rather, that this was a part of her soul, her very essence that crossed into Narnia while Lucy was caught in a deep dream in England. Caspian had no proof of this, but some part of his soul reached towards her ghost as if it beckoned to him.

Night after night, she appeared at his cabin door, and trail up upon deck; she knew he'd follow. She wanders the deck, and night after night, he was struck by her beauty. The moonlight shone down upon her, creating a halo out of the night's shade.

Then she would dance and music would follow. The music of Narnia, the sea and the stars. She'd smile at him, inviting his steps to join hers. He was so tempted, but could never seem to move. He was frozen in place.

Eventually she'd stop, look at him once more, and point towards Narnia. Towards the castle, towards the woods. Towards the glades and rolling hills. Then, as if on some unheard queue, she'd disappear as quickly as she had come, and Caspian was left alone.

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