Silver Moon

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"Slowly, silently, now the moon

Walks the night in her silver shoon;

This way, and that, she peers, and sees

Silver fruit upon silver trees.

-Silver, by Walter de la Mare"

Lucy felt…detached. Yes, that was the proper word. She felt detached from her body, like she had slowly risen from it. Just open your eyes, she willed herself. But it was too difficult. Her eyes wanted to remain shut, keep her stuck in this odd slumber she was in. She felt cold, but couldn't find the will to wrapped herself in the blankets that were surely at the foot of her bed.

Then, suddenly, she could open her eyes. She stared up at a darkened, rainy sky. A smell accosted her nose, the smell of burning metal and pain. But wait, pain doesn't have a smell. She thought in worry. But she could smell it, certainly as she could smell roses when she was in her aunt's garden. How peculiar

She sat up and saw the wreckage that surrounded her. The train, the one she had been riding in, was crashed. The burning metal…It was only then she noticed how much lighter she felt. She touched her face; it was cool to her touch. And her hand…

It was silver.

Oh Aslan, she thought in horror, I'm dead.

Then she saw him, just the briefest glance. She rose quickly and ran past everyone to follow him- not that they could see her. They only saw her body lying still on the ground, not her spirit run after her great protector.

Suddenly, she was no longer in England. The brightness, even in that stormy day, was gone. It was night, where ever she was. She was glowing, just ever so slightly now. She stopped running. She had lost sight of him, but he had led her to a trail of some sort. She followed it, leaving no footprints, her own silver shadow leading her on the path. There was no moon, no stars… she became her own light. She followed the twisty path, deep into the darkness with only her own silver moonlight.

She peered around her, but the path was too dark. Her own moonlight only allowed her to see her steps in front on her. She kept walking this way, and that: peering, but never seeing.

She came to a clearing, and her light grew brighter. She was in an orchid of some kind; but in her ghostly light, all the trees shone silver. Their trunks, bark, leaves and fruit all silver. She reached up gently towards the nearest one-I wonder if my hand shall pass through- and grabbed a low hanging fruit. It did not pass through her fingers as expected; rather, she was able to hold it in her hands. A memory stirred of Eve, and Lucy prayed this fruit wasn't forbidden as she took a bite.

Suddenly, she felt the ground disappear, as if someone had pulled a rug from under her feet- quite literally. She was falling, like Alice down the rabbit hole, until she was cushioned by the sea.

Underwater, she could feel it. This was her sea- her Glistening Eastern Sea, cradling her soul. She felt its weight pour into her, her very bones and muscles. She had the strangest sensation of her heartbeat suddenly restarting. AIR! She pushed up, swimming to the surface. She emerged, filling her lungs with the first breath of new life. When her eyes cleared, she saw it.

The Dawn Treader, with Aslan at the helm.

He let a might roar and her sea lifted her into the air, throwing her on deck. She did not land on the hard surface, but in the warm embrace of someone's arms. Her force drove them back, causing him to stumble and fall back, taking her with him.

When she had regained her senses after all that just happened, she looked for Aslan. He was gone. The crew however, was there and very confused. Glancing down, Lucy saw who she had landed on. "Caspian?" She blushed furiously, "Sorry!" She uttered repeatedly as she scrambled to get off of him. She had pushed off of him, and now they both sat staring at each other; her embarrassed and him bewildered.

"Lucy? This is not possible." Caspian shook his head, rubbed his eyes, and looked back at her. She was still there and still blushing. "We left you, Edmund and Eustace not three hours ago."

Now she shared in his bewilderment. "I have been in England for years." Caspian looked at her harder this time and saw she truly had grown- and grown impossible more beautiful. "I can see that." He muttered and then it was his turn to blush. He got to his feet and then helped her to hers.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he pulled her into a close embrace. He held her there for what may have been hours and then pulled back, stroking his finger across her cheek. "I thought I would never see you again." He whispered, pain lacing his words.

Lucy felt a similar feeling flying back- the pain she had felt when she left Narnia for the last time, it never had faded. She felt tears prick her eyes and she tucked her head into his neck. He tightened his grip when he felt sobs convulse her body. "I died, Caspian. I'm dead in England." He only held her tighter, rocking her slowly. When her sobs stopped, he felt her yawn. Surely dying is exhausting. He thought as he scooped her up and carried her towards his cabin and a warm bed.

Everything, every feeling, all his love… that could wait until after she had gotten some sleep.

When I wake, Lucy thought sleepily, That's when I'll tell him

Chronicles of Lucy and Caspian [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now