1: Why bother when I'm not needed anyway?

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She looked back as she hear him say her name. It was the name she neither despised nor liked. It was given to her by the professor. She didn’t really know if it is still her life that she led. It felt like she was living a life of lie, but it didn’t bother her anyway. In fact, she was quite satisfied. But no…she has a job to do.

It was 2 years after the utter defeat of the organization. There was nothing to threaten her safety again. But she still hasn’t able to complete the antidote. Five years…five damn years since they have shrunk. The headquarters of the organization exploded before they have the chance to get the data about the drug.

She watched as he walk towards her. He was the complete opposite of her. If ever there was something perfect in this world, she bet his life would be. He has loving parents, a big home, and a reputation of being one of the best students in the university. But all of that was ruined because of her. She took his chance for a perfect life. All because of a drug she created. She bit her lip as the pang of guilt starts to eat her again.

“Hey…” He said, almost out of breath. “Why are you heading home already?”

Home. More like a house, really. She thought, as she fought the urge to roll her eyes. She knew the professor treated her as her daughter, grandchild even. But she still has that guilt, she felt like she didn’t deserve any of these. She looked at him with a deadpanned expression.

“I finished my work already. I don’t have anything to do.”

“Right…but they prepared something for the end-of-the-year party. You should be there. Ayumi and the others are expecting.”

“No thanks.” She said quickly, as she spun around to resume her walking.

My presence will not be noticed by anyone anyway. Why bother?

“Please.” She felt his hand on her wrist, stopping her. She looked at him with a puzzled look. His face was almost pleading. This was just out of his character. Just what is wrong with him?

“Come to the party.”

“No.” Her answer rivaled the speed of light.

He tugged her arm a little, then gave her an intense gaze. “Why?”

It was just a word, but it triggered several feelings within. She stared at him for about five seconds, then looked down.

“Because I’m not needed anyway. There’s not much of a difference If I go or not. Besides, I have work to do in the lab.” She answered with her cold tone. She hoped her indifference would mask whatever she was feeling right now.

“Are you going to work yourself out again?” He asked, his voice slightly agitated. “The professor told me. You’re not taking care of yourself lately. You should relax too. ”

She huffed. “Relax? My relaxation time would mean wasted time for the antidote! Are you hearing yourself right now, Kudo-kun?” She took her hand away from his grasp. “Don’t you wish to go back as soon as possible?” She asked, her voice barely audible.

He looked at her, aghast at her sudden outburst. “I do…but you don’t have to sacrifice your health for that, damn it!”

She flinched a little when she heard his slightly agitated voice.

“That would be my choice, detective.” She stated with a firm voice, before she turned around to resume her walking. She heard him call her again, but she ignored it. She walked to the professor’s house as fast as she could.


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