Chapter 36

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{Chris's POV} 

When I woke up, I checked on Esmeralda, she was fast asleep with her head on my chest I softly kissed her forehead and held her close my cellphone was ringing I grabbed it off my bedside table and answered it before it woke up Esmeralda. 

"Hello?" I whispered. 

"Hey Chris, how is Esmeralda feeling?" Ryan Ashley asked. 

"I'm not sure she's still asleep. What happened last night?" I asked. 

"Esmeralda asked me what would I like to drink, and she told me what drinks you had." 

"How many glasses of wine did you have?" 

"I only had one glass Esmeralda had three glasses of wine and that's when she ran upstairs and started throwing up." Ryan Ashley explained. 

"I don't think she's much of a drinker and the wine made her sick." I said. 

When I got off the phone with Ryan Ashley, I laid my phone back down on the bedside table I felt Esmeralda starting to stir I kissed her head she buried her face in my chest and started to cry I gently rubbed her back and stroked her hair. 

"Are you angry at me?" 

"Sweetheart I am not angry at you I'm just a little worried about you because you never did something like that before." 

"I just wanted a little bit of wine and I got carried away I don't want any parts of drinking alcohol again I learned my lesson last night." Esmeralda cried. 

"I think you should stay in bed and rest. Do you have a headache?" I asked. 

"I have a monster size headache." 

I got up out of bed and walked into the bathroom I got her two Tylenol and a cup of water I walked back into the room and handed them to her I climbed back into bed and snuggled up with Esmeralda. 



"I'm sorry I ruined your guy's night out because of stupid actions." Esmeralda said. 

"You didn't ruin my guy's night out they were just as worried as I was when I asked Balz to drive me back home." I explained. 

"I don't want to stay in bed all day." 

"You can relax on the couch." 

I climbed out of bed and got dressed I walked into the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom, I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and walked downstairs I walked into the kitchen Esmeralda was making herself some toast. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek she looked at me and smiled I decided to have toast with Esmeralda. After breakfast I was sprawled out across the couch watching TV, Esmeralda came into the living room and sprawled out across the couch with me I grabbed my Tampa Bay Lightning blanket off the back of the couch and covered us up I wrapped my arms around her, Esmeralda laid her head on my chest. 

"Baby did you know that you talk in your sleep?" I asked. 

"Yeah, Aunt Mary heard me talk in my sleep once when I was little, but I haven't talked in my sleep since then. why?" Esmeralda said nervously. 

"I heard you talking in your sleep." 

"You said that you can't wait to join me on tour for the first time and that you wanted to have sex with me on the tour bus." 

Esmeralda looked at me and blushed I leaned in kissed her, she laid her head back down on my chest I held her close and stroked her hair I checked on Esmeralda, she was sound asleep my phone lit up with a text message I grabbed my phone and opened the text message.

Falling for my idol (A Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli love story)Where stories live. Discover now