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"That's not how you do it, Mindy." My best friend, Chelsea giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"How do I do it then?"

"Like this," She said.

Chelsea did a perfect cartwheel, of course. I sat in the grass, pouting.

"Just like that." Chelsea explained, sitting down next to me.

"I'll never be able to do it! I might as well skip those dumb try-outs..." I replied.

"C'mon, Mindy. I want you to do this with me!"

"I can't do something I'm terrible at!" I argued. Chelsea sighed.

"Okay. You don't have to do the cheer leading team with me... I was only trying to brighten your spirit."

I rolled my eyes. Was my spirit the only thing that people worried about?

"Who says it's not already bright?" I asked.

"It stopped being bright since 8th grade! Ever since you found out about that...pasta stuff, you've acted like you have no sanity!" Chelsea shouted.

"Who said I ever had sanity?"

Chelsea threw her arms up and rolled her eyes.

"I want my best friend back, Mindy! What happened to her?"

"She was killed."

Chelsea screamed in frustration and she stood up.

"Call me later...I need time away from you..." She mumbled. I watched as she grabbed her backpack, threw it over her shoulder, and left.

I shrugged and stood up too.

"Her loss." I muttered as I walked back inside of my house.

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