YDMTI ~ 11

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My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. White was all I could see. Was I dead?

Then, I felt a body move next to me. I lifted my head up and there was no more white.

I realized that I was only seeing Jeff's hoodie.

I giggled quietly, trying not to wake him. I couldn't tell if he was awake or not, because his eyes were wide open. I wiggled out of his grip and walked over to my dresser, picking out something to wear.
Since Jeff was asleep, or at least I hoped, I changed my clothes right there.
"Nice view."
My face started to heat up.
"I thought you were asleep, Jeff!"
"I've been awake this whole time!" He chuckled, looking at me from head to toe.

I felt my face grow even hotter and I quickly put my shirt on. Jeff was smiling at me.

Why was he acting so weird? Did he do drugs last night?

"Hey, what am I going to do about school?" I asked, sitting down at the foot of the bed.
"Don't go. If Masky is in all of your classes he's bound to try something."
"But my attendance! And where's my mom?" I said, frowning.
"She's in her room. And fuck your attendance. We have to run away." Jeff replied, sitting up.
"We have to what? Why?!" I shouted.
"Because, I have a feeling Masky will be back...And when he comes back things are going to go down..." Jeff's voice trailed off.
"I don't wanna run away! I wanna live with my mother!" I argued.
"Do you wanna die?!" Jeff snapped.
"Ugh...Why me?" I groaned."I'm going to go speak to my mother."

I stood up and walked out of my bedroom, to my mothers. Lightly, I knocked on her door.
"Come in, dear." She chirped.

Ugh...Why is she always so damn happy?

I opened the door and stepped inside her large room, sitting on her queen sized bed.
"Mom...I have some...unfortunate news for you." I said, twiddling my thumbs.
"You aren't pregnant, are you?" She asked, looking at me.
"No!" I chuckled."It's just....my boyfriend, Jeff, wants me to move in with him."
"What? But...You're not 18." She said, sadly.
"He really wants me to...I promise, you can visit at any time, Mom."
She stared off into the distance, with a sad expression.
"Well, ok, dear. I love you." She said, smiling again. I smiled back.
"I love you, too, Mom." I pulled her into a warm hug.
She kissed my forehead and I stood up.

I walked back to my room and stepped inside.

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