YDMTI ~ 24

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It had been five months, and I was DEFINITELY showing. My stomach was as big as it should be when I'm eight months! Jeff couldn't take me to the doctor because I was on the 'Missing' list, and I'd be turned in if anyone from town saw me. Since Ben wanted to be a doctor before he died, he knew all of the things about pregnancy, so he was like my doctor. My little nickname for him was 'Doctor Benny'. He absolutely hated it, but Jeff and I called him it anyway.

I stood up from the couch, walking to the kitchen. Jeff stayed close behind me, in fear that I'd fall. The over protective bastard...

"I'm hungry." I mumbled, looking through Jeff's empty cupboards."But you don't have shit to eat,"

"I was thinking we could order pizza..."

"NO! YOU WILL GET FOOD! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE BABY COMES AND WE DON'T HAVE SHIT TO FEED IT?! IT'LL STARVE! GET SOME FOOD, JEFF THE DICK!" I yelled, causing Jeff to flinch a little. He's so sensitive! What happened to my heartless killer boyfriend?

"Okay, babe!! Anything for you...!" Jeff scurried out of the room and out the door.I rolled my eyes and rubbed my bulging stomach and walked to the living room, turning on Jeff's TV. I watched a little bit of Ridiculousness.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Mindy. Baby, wake up." Jeff whispered, shaking me. I opened my eyes, and sitting next to me Jeff.

"I'm up.." I mumbled, as I yawned. Jeff looked away from me, sighing. I frowned."Jeff, is something up?"

"N-No..." Jeff mumbled, standing up and walking to the kitchen."Come eat...I made dinner."

"Ooh!!! Jeff the Chef, eh?" I joked, following Jeff into the kitchen.

Jeff laughed a little, then took my plate out of the microwave."Here you go...Eat up.."

"Thanks, Babe!" I started to dig in.

After I was done eating, I went back to the living room where Jeff was. He was sitting on the couch, yanking at his hair. I frowned, and sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around him, kissing his cheek.

"Jeff, baby, what's wrong?" I murmured, kissing his cheek again.

"D-Do you still have affection for me, Mindy...?" He mumbled, looking over at me and releasing his black hair.

"Of course! What made you think I didn't?"

"Well...The last couple months, you've been yelling at me so much...I feel like you're mad at me for getting you pregnant.." Jeff sighed, grabbing my hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

"Babe, no...I don't mean to yell at you...I just get easily irritated..." I said, kissing his cheek again. Jeff sighed.

"I'm sorry, baby...I should've used protection..." Jeff replied.

"Jeff, don't worry! That was five, going on six months ago! It's okay."

Jeff smiled and kissed me on the lips, nibbling on my lip. I moaned lightly as I smiled into the kiss, wishing I could have more of Jeff.

Sadly, I couldn't, due to the fact that my stomach would get in the way of things and that I was pregnant.

Jeff pulled away, smiling."Mindy...I'm actually a little nervous.."


"What if something happens? You could die while giving birth." Jeff stated, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Jeff, I'll be fine! If not...then..." My voice trailed off. I shook my head and decided to change the subject. I didn't want Jeff worrying."Babe, what do you wanna name the kid?"

"Can I name it of it's a girl?" Jeff looked a little excited. Is it because he wanted a girl?

"Sure," I replied,"just don't pick a deadly name."

Jeff chuckled,"Okay. If it's a girl, I want to name here either...Veronica or Vanessa."

"Wow. Those are some names, Jeff. Where'd you think of those?" I asked, cuddling closer to Jeff.

"I just like those names."

I giggled a little."Okay, if it's a boy, I wanna name him Cameron or Aaron."

"Ooh, were those some past boyfriends?" Jeff teased, poking my stomach.

"Ha, no. My past boyfriends name was Tim."


"Just kidding, Jeffrey. Take a joke." I giggled, kissing his cheek. Jeff calmed down and stood up, stretching.

"Well....I have some...er...things to do...Don't come in my room, Mindy." Jeff explained, walking towards the stairs.

"Why? It's my room, too!" I shouted.

"B-But I need privacy..."

"It's not like you're jerking off," I giggled.

"Heh...Yeah...It's not like I'm doing that..." Jeff laughed nervously, inching towards the stairs.

"You are!" I giggled, pointing at him.

"Yeah...and? I need something! I can't have sex with you, so my hand will have to do the job."

"Okay...Have fun.." I snickered."But hurry up so I can go to sleep."

"Oh, the irony." Jeff chuckled as he ran up the stairs.

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