YDMTI ~ 10

295 15 4

"Pst! Mindy, wake up!" Someone whispered. They started to shake me, causing me to snap awake.

"Huh? What?" I asked.

"It's Tim." Tim replied."But just call me Masky."

"Ok, Masky." I said, looking at him. "What are you doing in my room at," I glanced at the clock. "Four in the morning? I have school.

"Sorry...But...I need to explain a few things to you. About Jeff and I."

I slowly nodded.

"Ok, well. When you were...say, 14 or 15, did you ever feel as if you were being watched?"

"All the damn time!" I shouted.

"That was Jeff and I. We had taken a great interest in you, and we decided to watch you. Jeff said he was destined to be with you, but I thought different. I don't even need school, I'm 19, but I pretended that I was 17 so I could see you everyday. Jeff never had a mind like mine, and he would've never thought of that, so he decided to just come into your house and try to kill you. Jeff has a way with becoming friends with his victims, and once he gets what he wants, he'll strike. He will wash your sanity away. Jeff will use you."

This was so much to take in! Two men had been stalking me since I was fourteen, because they loved me? I wasn't sure who to believe!

"M-Masky...I'm not sure who to believe..." I whispered. Even though Masky was wearing a mask, I could see anger wash all over him.

"Believe me, goddammit!" He growled, striking me in the head.

"Ow! Get away from me!" I shouted. Masky ignored me, and smacked my cheek. I knew there was going to be a handprint, because my cheek was stung really badly.

"I will be back. If you don't stay away from Jeff, I will kill both of you!" Masky growled, leaping out of the window.

What did I do to deserve all of this? Why did this have to happen to me?

Tears rushed out of my eyes. I was done trying to be the strong girl everyone thinks I am. I act like I'm tough, but I am a big baby, actually. I curled deeper into my blanket and started to ball my eyes out.

"Mindy?" Jeff whispered from the doorway. At this point, I didn't care what he thought of me. I just wanted all of this creepypasta nonsense to go away.

I didn't answer Jeff. I just kept crying. I heard Jeff step closer. Finally, he was in the bed with me.

"Mindy, what happened?" Jeff asked, in a soft, gentle, tone. Who knew?

"M-Masky...He said...Th-That he was going to k-kill you and I...If I didn't stay away from him..." I sobbed. Jeff hesitantly wrapped his arms around me.

"I won't let him hurt you, Mindy. He can't do shit to either of us...I will protect you." Jeff said, pulling me closer. I nodded, sniffling like a child who recently had a nightmare.

I fell asleep in Jeff's arms, and I didn't mind it one bit.

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