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After all of the groceries were put away, I walked upstairs and laid on my bed.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Hey, Mindy."

I looked up and Jeff was standing by my bed.


"You know we aren't really dating, right?"

Pretending not to be disappointed, I nodded.


"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You're starting to like me! You wanted to actually be my girlfriend, didn't you?" Jeff chuckled, sitting down next to me.

"N-No!" I shouted, looking away.


I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked over to my desk, which was for drawing, and sat down.

"What are you doing?" Jeff asked, stepping behind me. I shrugged and put my head down on the surface.

"You alright, Mindy?"

"I'm just a little confused..."

"Mindy! Dear, I'm coming in! Make sure you two aren't doing anything." My mother chirped from the outside of my bedroom. I sat up.

"Alright, Mom."

The door opened, and my mom came in with a basket of laundry. Jeff was laying on my bed, playing with my stuffed doll of Ben Drowned. He was scowling at it, but he was also making it dance.

I glanced at Jeff, then the doll, and exploded with laughter. Jeff looked at me and so did my mother, but I didn't care. The way Jeff looked with that doll was hilarious!

"What's so funny, Mindy?" My mom asked, setting the basket by my closet.

"N-Nothing, Mother...I just thought about something." I giggled.

She nodded and left the room, leaving Jeff and I alone again.

"Are you alright, Mindy?" Jeff asked, tossing the doll to the end of my bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just really funny."

"What was?"

"The way you looked with my Ben doll." I giggled. I walked over and jumped on my bed.

Jeff nodded.

"I have to go, Mindy, but I might be back. Ok?" Jeff said, pulling up his hood.

"Ok." I mumbled. Jeff nodded again and left. Ok, I admit, I was quite disappointed when he left the room. I just wanted to yank him back and kiss his red lips. I don't care if he looks different! That's the different I like.

I was bored out of my mind and laying in my bed. Jeff hadn't come back for hours and again, my mother was out. I have a very boring life!

But I need to figure these stupid feelings out. I thought I despised Jeff! I can't have stupid feelings for him... Not because he's a killer, but because he would never love me back! Plus, he annoys the hell out of me, but then again, that's what I like about him. I just met him and I'm already developing feelings for this guy!

I guess he's that irresistible.

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