YDMTI ~ 18

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I turned the water off, and peeked my head out of the shower.

"Jeff, we'll talk in a sec. I need to get dressed."

"Come out. I don't mind the view." Jeff chuckled. I sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to leave, then got out of the shower.

Jeff looked at me in shock. He probably saw the cuts all over my body.


"What the hell do you want?" I asked, grabbing my panties and bra.

"What's up with the cuts?" Jeff asked.

"I-I already t-told you...It w-was a fucking cat..."

"Cats don't cut you repeatedly like that!" He shouted."Why did you do that to yourself?"

I pulled on my panties, then my bra, after that I put in my sweat pants. I had a sports bra so I didn't need a shirt.

"Because...I fell in love with some one....And I thought they didn't love me back...But...They did..."

"That's stupid!"

"I know it was! That's why I'm not going to do it again!" I yelled. Jeff put his hands up in defense and looked down.

"Don't do it anymore." Jeff snapped. I looked down too.

Suddenly, Jeff pulled me into his lap and kissed me.

The kiss was...amazing...It was like our lips belonged together. Like they were two puzzle pieces that belonged.

I ran a hair through Jeff's hair and he pulled me closer.

"Guys! Dont have sex in the bathroom!" Ben shouted, causing Jeff and I to pull away from each other.

"We weren't." Jeff hissed.

"Mhm...Sure!" Ben argued."Now let me in! I have to piss."

I giggled and stood up, walking to Jeff's room where all of my stuff was.

"Mindy...Why did you kill Patricia?" Jeff asked, stepping into the room.

"She was in love with someone I loved. That shit had to be shut down." I chuckled, grabbing my brush and brushing my hair.


I was smiling as I finished brushing my hair and Jeff was laying in the bed, cuddling with the stuffed animals. I felt joy at the sight.

When I was finished, I laid in bed with Jeff. Our legs were tangled and he was playing with my hair.

"Hey, Mindy?"

"Yes, Jeffrey?" I said, looking up at him.

"Why do you love me?"

"Oh, that's easy. I love you because you are sweet to me. I love you because you make me smile. I love you because you are hot. I love you because...because you're you." I listed. I could feel the happiness roll off of Jeff and he was smiling.

"Awww, you're gonna make me blush!" Jeff giggled like a schoolgirl. Laughter erupted out of me, and Jeff.

Jeff and I laughed until it hurt! But after a little bit we stopped.

"Anyway," Jeff said."I want you to meet my family."

"U-Um...I hope you don't mind me asking, Jeff, but...didn't you kill them?" I closed my eyes, just in case I was going to be harmed or something.

"Not that family. My killer family." Jeff chuckled. I opened my eyes again.

"K-Killer family?" I stuttered.

"Yup." Jeff replied."But, FYI, Masky is apart of it."

"Did you just say, FYI?"

"Yeah. Problem?"

I shook my head and kissed his cheek. He sighed happily, making me feel more happy. Nothing could ruin this moment.

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